The Archives is back at Vancity Theatre for Vancouver: Exponential Change

Vancouver: Exponential Change is coming to Vancity Theatre on November 20th and 27th at 3:30 pm. It is the seventh annual screening of digitized movies from the Archives’ holdings. Michael Kluckner, local historian, will be providing insightful commentary, while Wayne Stewart, pianist, will provide music for the film segments shot without sound. This year’s show takes a look at what Vancouverites have gotten up to in their spare time. Here is a preview of this year’s screening.

The first film of the series includes excerpts from Bastard Love, a film made by prominent Vancouver families in 1928, including members of the Rogers, Tupper, and Molson families, and shot on the grounds of Shannon Estate. It was a home-made production shot with the characteristic melodrama found in films of that period. The dialogue slides tell bits of the story, with amusing lines, such as, “Can you come with us to Switzerland?” and “How perfectly ripping!”

Still from Bastard Love, 1928. Reference code:

Still from Bastard Love, 1928. Reference code AM1368-S3-: 2015-049.1

After spending time in the black and white silent era, the program moves onto Vancouver Honeymoon, a coloured tourism promotional, created by the City and the Greater Vancouver Tourism Association, and sponsored by local companies. One will enjoy a drive along the Sea to Sky highway, as it was circa 1960, take a stroll in Stanley Park, check out parts of UBC, and marvel at the natural beauty in which Vancouver is nestled, while being reminded that Vancouver is “so young her story is still being written, but old enough to develop a personality that is all her own.”

Still from Vancouver Honeymoon, . Reference code: AM1487-: MI-590

Still from Vancouver Honeymoon, 1961. Reference code: AM1487-: 2013-020.24

After honeymooning, one will be taken through PNE footage shot around 1950, then jump forward a few decades with various excerpts from Vancouver’s centennial and Expo celebrations from 1986. Great street and aerial footage abounds in these segments, allowing one to see how much Vancouver has, and has not Expo-nentially changed.

Still from _____,1967. Reference code:

Still from PNE Grounds, 1961. Reference code: AM1601-S1-: 2012-010.14

Still from ___-1967). Reference code:

Still from Expo Views, 1986. Reference code: AM1553-8-S7-: MI-239

Regardless of whether it is the 1920’s, 50’s, 60’s, 80’s, or today, it is clear that Vancouverites have been and still are busy enjoying their leisure time creating, playing, relaxing, and exploring the beautiful city many of us call home.

Also in the offerings on November 20th  is a rescreening of 2014’s show Vancouver – A Progressive City. This screening includes construction of Lions Gate Bridge, early milk delivery service, and a cameo by Major Matthews, the city’s founding archivist. It looks at Vancouver’s workforce, commerce, heritage, culture and important celebrations. Here is the trailer for the 2014 redux.

Vancouver: Exponential Change screens November 20th and November 27 at 3:30 pm. Vancouver – A Progressive City screens November 20th at 6:45 pm.

Medieval beasts in the stacks

For this year’s Halloween post, I wanted to share some of my favorite books from the rare book collection in Special Collections. I am not a Medieval scholar, but I do enjoy looking through the various books on animals, mythical or real, from the Middle Ages. Books of beasts, or Bestiary, went beyond use as a scientific observation of animals. Rather the descriptions included for each animal where meant as elaborate metaphors littered with colorful language. The most well known were written in Latin and included stories as well as illustrations.
Book of Beasts: a facsimile of MS Bodley 764. Written in Latin in the 13th Century. PR275.B47 H36 2008
 Though we now know that a considerable amount of animals described in these books are mythical in nature, Bestiaries more importantly served to reinforce teachings on virtue and proper behavior. Each animal’s characteristics were tied to a purpose in the moral of each story. For example, ants, known for creating elaborate underground dwellings and working in unison, reflect on the importance of people working together for a common good. Graceful swans are described as singing a beautiful song before their death, or swan song. Given that these books were vested in Jewish, Christian and Islamic tradition, it is understandable to see why Bestiaries were second in popularity to the Bible.
Illustration of a Fairy Dog from A Scottish bestiary: the lore and literature of Scottish beasts (1978) from the Scottish Collection. QL259.T48 1978
Drawing on the tradition of Medieval Bestiaries, contemporary works are meant to capture whimsy and intrigue. A Child’s Bestiary, found in our Shaw Collection of children’s book, was published in the late 1970s. The book’s purpose is to educate children on a variety of animals found in different countries. Each entry contains a humorous description or poem followed by a drawing of the animal.
There are also fictional Bestiaries based on popular media such as the magical creatures in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them from the Harry Potter book series. As well as a fantasy bestiary created by graphic designer Swann Smith for the MTV series Teen Wolf. 
For further reading on Medieval Manuscripts in general, take a look at the research guide created by our Rare Book Librarian Kat Hoarn. There is also a fun website dedicated to sorting through metaphorical descriptions of the animals in Medieval Bestiaries.

Italian immigration into WA

Damien Hassan
Monday, October 31, 2016 – 13:10

The State Records Office of WA (SRO) was very pleased to recently host University of Notre Dame student Kathleen Del Casale for a research-based placement during the semester. Kathleen is completing a Bachelor of Arts degree and as part of her studies was required to undertake an internship at a participating institution. Kathleen conducted her placement at SRO to carry out research on Italian immigration into WA using primary source material held in the State Archives Collection, as well as published sources held by other institutions.

Kathleen states: “I was very excited to be accepted as an intern at the SRO. The use of primary documents is so vital in any historic research. Seeing the evidence first hand from the government archives gave me a direct link with the past, embellishing my interpretation and experience in general. While it was daunting to begin my research, the more experience I had in searching and requesting documents, the higher my confidence rose. My suggestion for anyone intending to do similar research through the SRO is to keep your mind open to where you might find information, try different types of documents, explore, you never know where the best information may appear.”

Kathleen was able to gain a greater insight into using government archives for historical research and to integrate theory with practice. Kathleen prepared a historical summary of Italian Immigration into WA as a result of her research.

The SRO strongly supports and encourages the use of government archives by University students for all types of research, be it historical, heritage, architectural, legal or other.

We wish Kathleen all the best for any future studies she conducts.


It’s that spooky time of year again…

Illustration of baby skeletons from Physica Sacra, Johann Jakob Scheuchzer, 1731

And these weeping baby skeletons want to wish you…

a happy…

Physica Sacra, 1731, plate 23, detail





This creepiness courtesy of plate 23 from Physica Sacra (or Sacred Physics) by Johann Jakob Scheuchzer, published in 1731. This impressive work was created with the goal of explaining the bible scientifically and is famous for its 784 full page illustrations… including this illustration of Genesis chapter 1, verses 26-27 decorated with the stages of fetal development and infant skeletons.

Physica Sacra, 1731, plate 23, VII

You’re a What? Digital Archivist Edition

Archives Month is when we shout from the rooftops about archives; what are they, what do they have and why you should care. Here at FSU Special Collections & Archives, we participate in #AskAnArchivist day and put together other activities as we are able each year. However, we deal with the most obvious question people could ask 365 days a year…what does an archivist do?

For me, that question is usually a double head scratcher because not only am I an archivist, I am a digital archivist. In my daily work, that is really broken down into three main areas of work: digital project management, digital library management and born-digital material management and preservation. All of which are still probably Greek to you so let me explain.

Digital Project Management

A screenshot of how we organize and track a project
A screenshot of how we organize and track a project

No one told me when I went to get my MSI that I should have probably worked on becoming a certified Project Manager too. Instead, I’ve had to learn by making lots of mistakes as digital projects come through the Digital Library Center. Unfortunately, we have not come up with a magic way to digitize materials and get them into the FSU Digital Library so a lot of planning and then work goes into any set of materials you may find online. I enjoy this part of my work (it’s the organizer in me) but it wasn’t exactly what I thought I was signing up for when I became a digital archivist.

Digital Library Management

Screenshot of the FSU Digital Library
The FSU Digital Library has grown fast since we moved into our new platform in February 2013.

The FSU Digital Library grows in leaps and bounds each year and a team of us work on making sure it grows within our standards and in a way that keeps it useful and relevant for our users. Once a digital project is started, a lot of my work goes into figuring out a user’s needs when interacting with said material. What collection does it belong in? How does it need to be searched? What display would best suit the materials?

Born-Digital Material Management and Preservation

Screenshot of a possible born-digital processing workflow
A look at the digital processing workflow we’re working on to start working on born digital collections we already have in-house

This is the part of the job I am still growing into and learning more about all the time. It’s the part of archives a lot of us don’t know what to think about yet. But, take this fact and stew on it: The Word document you created today is a let less stable than the letter someone wrote 100 years ago. We know how to preserve and protect the paper. The Word document? We’re still figuring that out. As FSU Libraries moves into deciding how we’ll process, provide access and preserve digital records (including web content), I’ll be sure to share more about that aspect of my work on the blog!

So, at the end of the day, I usually tell people that a digital archivist is someone who gets to live in the best of both worlds; I get to handle and work with the cool old “stuff” but also work with all the cool 21st century gadgets which help archives to make these items more accessible while also dealing with any other 21st century document problems the archives wants to throw at me. Bring it on!

The Birth of “McCarthyism”

Senator Joseph McCarthy rails against former president Harry Truman in this 1953 speech. Truman, McCarthy claims, has been popularizing “McCarthyism,” a term coined by the Communist Party paper The Daily Worker, as a derogatory label for the senator’s attempt to rid the State Department and other federal institutions of Soviet spies. (In fact, most historians credit the cartoonist Herblock with inventing the word.)  McCarthy suggests another entry in the political lexicon: “Trumanism,” which he defines as “the placing of your political party above the interests of the country.” He then goes on to accuse Truman of protecting the accused Soviet spy Harry Dexter White, a high-ranking US Treasury official who died of a heart attack in 1948. He details Truman’s shifting series of excuses for not acting on intelligence reports that White was passing information on to the Soviets. McCarthy’s voice drips with sarcasm as he cites evidence from J. Edgar Hoover “a man whose truthfulness has not even been questioned by the Communist Party.” In the end, he interprets Truman’s blaming of “McCarthyism” for hounding White to death as another way of saying, “Isn’t that nasty McCarthy an awful man?” He then broadens his attack, envisioning America being engaged in a war that was declared by Lenin in 1914. Recently 180 million people were under the yoke of communism. Now the figure has risen to 800 million. He blames “fuzzy-minded liberals” for refusing to confront the danger head-on.

For those who have only heard McCarthy in sound bites, this eight minute speech provides an excellent example of his speaking style and helps understand the enormous power he briefly wielded. Compared to the empty, orotund phrase-making popular (then and now) politicians use when addressing grand issues, McCarthy’s delivery is intimate, possessing a sly humor reminiscent of W.C. Fields. One is tempted to patronizingly dismiss his message of a “Red” under every bed as paranoid fear-mongering, but recent evidence released by US intelligence sources and cables discovered after the fall of the Soviet Union strongly suggest that White was indeed passing information to the USSR, an accusation his family still denies.

Harry Dexter White (1892-1948) was an economist whose greatest moment came at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944. The foundations for the post-War economy were laid at this meeting, with the establishment of both the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. White then became Director of the IMF but resigned abruptly in 1947. After testifying in front of the HUAC committee and denying he was a communist, White died of heart attack which some report was brought on by an overdose of digitalis. Historian James C. Van Hook, reviewing Treasonable Doubt; The Harry Dexter White Spy Case, on the CIA website, lays out the opposing points of view on White’s complicity:

As historians of the Cold War have long realized, one can explain developments in the early Cold War seemingly inimical to American interests—such as the division of Germany and the fall of China—without recourse to the simplistic charge of espionage. History is complex, and when history goes badly, it is not ipso facto the result of sabotage or betrayal. The problem with this approach, however, is that sometimes it runs up against contravening evidence. This is the problem Craig faces when discussing the VENONA decrypts and other data mined from recently opened Russian archives. … One may argue over whether these cables offer unmistakable evidence of espionage, but they certainly amount to more than what Craig terms “hard, circumstantial evidence” of inappropriate contact.

Joseph McCarthy (1908-1957) had a meteoric rise and fall, capturing headlines with his sensational charges of a wide-ranging Communist infiltration of government. Reviled after his death and for many years since, he has recently been the subject of attempts at rehabilitation, although most historians agree that the damage he did was out of all proportion to whatever “spies” or mere left-wing sympathizers he uncovered. As the Encyclopedia Britannica concludes:

After McCarthy’s reelection in 1952, he obtained the chairmanship of the Committee on Government Operations of the Senate and of its permanent subcommittee on investigations. For the next two years he was constantly in the spotlight, investigating various government departments and questioning innumerable witnesses about their suspected communist affiliations. Although he failed to make a plausible case against anyone, his colourful and cleverly presented accusations drove some persons out of their jobs and brought popular condemnation to others. The persecution of innocent persons on the charge of being communists and the forced conformity that the practice engendered in American public life came to be known as McCarthyism. Meanwhile, other government agencies did, with less fanfare, identify and prosecute cases of communist infiltration.


Audio courtesy of the NYC Municipal Archives WNYC Collection.

WNYC archives id: 151018Municipal archives id: LT2634

Anna Gove postcard collection digitized

We’re excited to announce that we have added a group of over 1700 postcards to the Anna Gove digital collection
Anna Gove was one of the first licensed woman physicians in North Carolina and was resposnsible for all health-related issues at the college that became UNCG. Gove also worked withe the Red Cross and traveled extensively throughout her life.
These cards mainly document the era before and after World War I but also include some items from as early as the 1890s and as late as the 1930s. Of particular interest are a group of cards depicting the devastation in France following the war. 

Anne Gove’s papers are being digitized as part of the Good Medicine: Greensboro’s Hospitals and Healers digitization project, which is a collaborative effort between the UNCG University Libraries, the Cone Health Medical Library, the Greensboro Historical Museum, and the Greensboro Public Library. The project is funded through the Library Services Technology Act as administered by the State Library of North Carolina. The full project will be online by the summer of 2017.
Thanks to student workers Christian Henderson and Masami Oshita for all their work on this part of the project!

The Year Without a Homecoming Queen

Serious drama began unfolding in October 1972 in the lead up to Florida State University’s homecoming week. As reported in the Florida Flambeau, students had an unconventional choice for Homecoming Queen: Ron Shank.shank

Mr. Shank’s candidacy for homecoming queen stirred up plenty of controversy. Administrators balked. Rallies were held in his support. Lawyers were consulted. In response to Homecoming Committee chair Dr. Marshall Hamilton’s comments that Shank was destroying the dignity of Homecoming, an commentor wrote:

On the contrary, Dr. Hamilton, we think Ron might enhance the dignity of Homecoming. He certainly appeared dignified in the picture in yesterday’s Flambeau. Such pomp and outright elan–if you will–certainly couldn’t harm the ceremony.

One person even wrote in to express his fears of a racist conspiracy being afoot; Mr. Shank merely being used as an excuse to cancel the entire homecoming court, which had had African-American Queens the previous two years.

Conspiracy or no, that’s exactly what happened. The Homecoming Committee declined to have a Homecoming court for the year of 1972, and University President Stanley Marshall elected to not get involved.

Let’s close with some words from the man himself:

I ran for Homecoming Queen because I don’t believe in parading Women (or Men) around on a stage under the auspices of a beauty contest when physical beauty is only a minor part of a person’s true beauty and definitely not the sole criteria of one’s worth.

Read all about the controversy in the Florida Flambeau in the DigiNole: Digital Library.

100,000 digital objects now online

Late last week, our digitization efforts reached a significant milestone:  we now have over 100,000 digital objects available online for your use and re-use!

Screenshot of Browse Digital Objects result on

Screenshot of Browse Digital Objects result on

We’ll be featuring some of the new content in future blog posts, but here are some examples of what’s been added recently:

Chilly children in Open Air School classroom, ca. 1926. Reference code: AM1376-: CVA 96-3

Chilly children in Open Air School classroom, ca. 1926. Reference code:
AM1376-: CVA 96-3

Sawmill and ships at Fraser Mills, ca. 1900. Reference code: AM1376-: CVA 91-1

Sawmill and ships at Fraser Mills, ca. 1900. Reference code: AM1376-: CVA 91-1

Mayor Art Phillips taking oath of office, 1975. Reference code: COV-S532-F01-: CVA 93-3

Mayor Art Phillips taking oath of office, 1975. Reference code: COV-S532-F01-: CVA 93-3

Many of these images are a result of our ongoing project to digitize the content of our CVA photo reference binders. These red binders contain copy prints and photocopies of many of the photographs in our holdings, excluding those in the Major Matthews Photograph Collection. As collections are digitized and uploaded to our database, we pull the reference copies and retire the binders, one after the other. Frequent visitors to our reading room may have noticed their diminishing number. The binders used to occupy 15 shelves. Now we’re down to only five.

Our ever-diminishing red CVA photo reference binders

Our ever-diminishing red CVA photo reference binders

We have more than photographs online, though. There are over 2500 maps and plans available, such as this one showing Vancouver population density by traffic zone:

Map showing population density by traffic zone, 1955. Reference code: COV-S445-3-: LEG26.4

Map showing population density by traffic zone, 1955. Reference code: COV-S445-3-: LEG26.4

We also have over 540 film and video works online, with more to be uploaded in the coming weeks. Two of our favourites are:

Still from The New Granville Bridge (1954). Reference Code: COV-S361-: MI-2

Still from The New Granville Bridge (1954). Reference Code: COV-S361-: MI-2

Still from Protest (1981). Reference code: AM1487-: MI-252

Still from Protest (1981). Reference code: AM1487-: MI-252

And we have over 230 audio recordings available, mostly from the Dunbar History Project fonds, Yaletown Productions fonds and Vancouver Centennial Commission fonds. Check out a recently added recording of Frank Sinatra inviting residents of Vancouver to the Centennial celebration kickoff event and wishing Vancouver a happy 100th birthday.

Also available online are 554 sets of 1970s City Council minutes representing 23,000 pages of text:

First page of Council meeting minutes, Incorporation Day, April 6, 1971

First page of Council meeting minutes, Incorporation Day, April 6, 1971

And here is a newly-added image of the 1975 City Council being sworn into office:

Alderpersons Rankin, Harcourt, Volrich, Boyce and Kennedy at inaugural Council meeting, 1975. Reference code COV-S532-F01-: CVA 93-5

Alderpersons Rankin, Harcourt, Volrich, Boyce and Kennedy at inaugural Council meeting, 1975. Reference code:
COV-S532-F01-: CVA 93-5

These digital resources would not be available without the support of a number of generous funding agencies and individual donors over the years. Since 2002, the Friends of the Vancouver City Archives has contributed to the description and digitization of our photographic holdings, securing over $133,000 in BC Community Gaming grants and matching that with over $103,000 from memberships, donations and event ticket sales. The BC History Digitization Program has been a source of digitization funding for photographs, maps and plans and text since 2007. Prior to 2009, we made use of funding from the Department of Canadian Heritage and Library and Archives Canada through the Canadian Council of Archives. Organizations such as Lantic Inc. and the Dunbar Residents Association have contributed to specific projects as well.

We’d love to hear how you make use of these resources, and we look forward bringing you many more.

Bad Children of History #29: Quarrelsome Bob

Today’s Bad Child of History, Quarrelsome Bob, is creating a true ruckus. Look at those dust clouds! Look at his rival’s wildly disheveled hair! (Note also that Bob has managed to keep his cap stylishly perched on his head through the melee.)


This belligerent boy can be found on a card in “Game of Master Rodbury and his Pupils”, a card game printed in 1844 by W. & S.B. Ives in Salem, Massachusetts.

The instructions look a little confusing at first glance, but if anyone wants to stop by and delicately try it out, I’m game.

1980 Water Shortage

Amherst College and Western Massachusetts have experienced below-average rainfall amounts for a seventh straight month this year and as a result, water levels in town reservoirs are the lowest they have been in recent history. In mid-August, the state of Massachusetts issued a drought watch for the Connecticut River Region and the Town of Amherst has imposed mandatory water conservation measures for the town, including Amherst College campus.

If you’re on campus, you’ve likely noticed these signs around encouraging conscious consumption and water conservation.

Amherst College 2016 Drought Response poster

In the fall of 1980, Amherst experienced a severe water shortage due to a very dry summer, several hot days in September, an unusually light snowfall the preceding winter, and the yearly influx of many thousands of students to the area.

The Amherst Student, Sept. 11, 1980

The Amherst Student, Sept. 11, 1980

The Amherst Student, Sept. 11, 1980

In early September, University of Massachusetts, the largest of the three colleges in Amherst, closed campus for several days as an emergency response to lessen demands on the town’s water supply.

The Amherst Student Sept 15, 1980

The Amherst Student, Sept 15, 1980

By mid-September 1980, Amherst College director of land conservation and assistant to the director, along with a newly established Amherst College conservation program, met with all first year students to educate about wasteful habits and to promote on-campus awareness about water and energy conservation.  The conservation program offered suggestions to students about ways to reduce their water use:

  1. “Turn off the water when brushing teeth, washing face, and shaving.
  2. Use plugs in sink–fill the sink with hot water instead of letting the faucet run.
  3. Use full loads in washing machines and
  4. For those living off-campus, purchase the low-flow shower heads that all Amherst dorms already use.”
The Amherst Student, Sept. 29, 1980

The Amherst Student, Sept. 29, 1980

The Amherst Student, Sept. 29, 1980By October 1980, the water supply emergency had abated and the Town of Amherst completed the construction of a new well in South Amherst.  Student members of the Amherst Water Conservation Project, a state-funded study, established goals for water conservation in Amherst:

  • “To allow the town to remain self-sufficient in its water supply;
  • To extend the life of the town’s new sewage treatment plant;
  • To postpone or eliminate the need to develop new water sources;
  • To improve water quality by allowing the town to use its higher quality water sources;
  • To avoid future water shortages.”

The Amherst Student reported that members of the Conservation Project were meeting with the Physical Plants at University of Massachusetts, Hampshire College, and Amherst College to ensure that each institution was doing its best to conserve water.

The Amherst Student, Oct. 16, 1980

The Amherst Student, Oct. 16, 1980

The Amherst Student, Oct. 16, 1980The Amherst Student gives an interesting glimpse of the 1980 town water shortage and campus-wide response.  A full run of the newspaper is available to read in the Amherst College Archives & Special Collections.

For more information on Amherst College’s ongoing efforts to conserve water and for ideas on how to do your part, visit the Amherst Conserves website.

Congratulations to June Shin, Winner of the 2016 Updike Prize

On Monday evening we celebrated student type design with four talented finalists for our Updike Prize for Student Type Design. Here they are (with typeface names in italics):

June Shin, Ithaka (First Prize)

SooHee Cho, The Black Cat

Cem Eskinazi, Mond

Íñigo López Vázquez, Erik Text

If you didn’t get a chance to attend the event on Monday you can still see examples of the students’ work on display in our third floor exhibition area.

And if you’re an aspiring student type designer, it’s never too soon to start working on your entry for the 2017 prize. Contact us or stop in to ask about the contest.

Thanks to our sponsors, Paperworks, for making the prize possible. And thanks as well to Fiona Ross, this year’s guest speaker, who enlightened our audience on the topic of non-Latin type design.

“Rocky” Takes on Albany

After an Invocation by the Bishop of Albany, a few words from the Secretary of State, the singing of the national anthem, and a rabbi reading from the Bible, Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller is sworn in as the 49th governor of the State of New York. The new governor immediately pronounces this “a fatal time for free man…and for freedom everywhere.” The communist threat is seen as a continuation of the fascist threat that led to World War II. The Manichean world-view of the 1950’s is much in evidence. He sees the globe “divided between those who believe in the brotherhood of man under the fatherhood of God and those who scorn this as a pious myth.” But one cannot wonder, considering what follows, if this is just lip-service being paid to a popular notion so the ensuing proposals will not be branded as evidence that Rockefeller is “soft on Communism.” Because the actual agenda the new Republican governor lists is as “liberal” and “progressive” (his words) as any put forth by his Democratic predecessors. Better schools, more welfare, even universal health insurance are called for. Social equality and equal opportunity (code words for programs helping minorities) are seen as necessities for fighting communism abroad. This is the way mainstream liberals framed their arguments in the time of the Cold War, arguing less for programs on their own merits than as tools in the battle for the hearts and minds of countries being romanced by the Soviet Union. It provided necessary cover against potential attacks from the right. And so Rockefeller’s extraordinary fourteen-year reign as governor got underway.

Nelson Rockefeller (1908-1979) was born to riches and power. It is hard now to appreciate how the family name, which was then associated with oil, monopolies, and strike-breaking, underwent such a transformation due this one ambitious man’s political career. As notes:

In 1958, he decided to run for governor of New York State. His campaign revealed a confident and affable politician, at his best when pressing the flesh and striking up conversations with the people who came out to see him. “Hi Ya, Fella” became his signature greeting. “Rocky,” his nickname. After a massive campaign, bankrolled with his legendary fortune, Rockefeller won the election handily. The New York Times did not fail to notice the historical significance of the result: “The election of Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller has given the final stamp of public approval to a name that once was among the most hated and feared in America.”

For Rockefeller, the governorship of New York was seen a mere stepping-stone to the presidency. But the liberal beliefs he espoused in this inaugural address put him at odds with a large section of the national party. The Encyclopedia Britannica describes how:

With Nixon out of the presidential contest in 1964, Rockefeller again sought the Republican nomination. As leader of the party’s liberal wing, he was opposed by conservative Barry Goldwater, who won the nomination by a slim margin. At the convention, Rockefeller fought strongly, though unsuccessfully, to maintain a commitment to civil rights in the Republican platform. Reflecting deep divisions between liberal and conservative Republicans, Rockefeller, who had denounced Goldwater as an extremist, was heckled by Goldwater supporters during his address. Throughout the ensuing campaign, he steadfastly refused to endorse Goldwater’s candidacy.

Rockefeller tried again for the nomination in 1968 but the party’s geographical and ideological shift was even more pronounced. Seen as the candidate of the Eastern Establishment, he was beaten by Richard Nixon. A brief term as Vice President, after Gerald Ford replaced Nixon, would prove to be as close to the presidency as Rockefeller would ever get. His failed aspirations for national power have somewhat overshadowed the very real effect his long time as governor had on New York State. Jeffrey Frank, writing in the New Yorker, notes: 

As Rockefeller recedes into the recent, unremembered past, he seems an increasingly improbable figure, his surname perhaps more associated with a song lyric (“I’ll be rich as Rockefeller / Gold dust at my feet / On the sunny side of the street”) than with the man who, between 1959 and 1973, transformed New York into a laboratory for the ambitions and occasional excesses of government. He was a Republican, yet a missing link in the Republican Party of today: a moderate and occasional liberal who believed that every problem has a solution, and who could say, “If you don’t have good education and good health, then I feel society has let you down.”


Audio courtesy of the NYC Municipal Archives WNYC Collection.

WNYC archives id: 48466
Municipal archives id: LT8282

Man in the White Hat

Over the past two weeks we have enjoyed the company of Alice Jaspars, a second year undergraduate who followed up excavation in Cyprus over the summer with a fieldwork placement in the archive, finding out more about the history of archaeology there, and in particular delving into the life of Oxford archaeologist John Myres. She writes:

John Linton Myres (1869–1954) (not to be mistaken with his son of an almost identical name) is a man of countless stories, many of which I have been able to acquaint myself with over the past 2 weeks during my work experience in The School of Archaeology’s Archaeological Archives. Some of these anecdotes beg belief, with a personal favourite of mine recounting how Myres, having caught malaria in Cyprus, ended up on a boat sailing to France with nothing but the clothes on his back and a tin of slightly rancid condensed milk. If I have learnt anything from reading Myres’ autobiography and examining his slides, it is that in his life what goes right goes very right, and that everything else makes a stunning story.


“Levk : bases from N E”: Excavations at Levkoniko by Myres, Menelaos Markides and L. H. D. Buxton 1913. HEIR ID 42196

Myres is perhaps the closest one can come to Oxford personified having spent over 60 years of his life there. His Undergraduate years spent at Hertford College allowed him to make lifelong connections and friendships with the great and the good of his day, as well as creating opportunities for him to excavate. It is during his time at Oxford that Myres was given a £30 grant from the aptly named Cyprus Exploration Fund, to use as he chose within the parameters of a Cypriot Excavation. It is thus Myres was able to become the ‘Father of Cypriot Archaeology’ and alongside German archaeologist Max Ohnefalsch-Richter, he both excavated and wrote up the ‘Catalogue of the Cyprus Museum’. The seasons in which Myres was excavating in Cyprus allowed him to lay out the groundwork for all future Anglo-Cypriot excavations to be based upon.


Myres in his white hat: HEIR ID 34428

Myres’ white hat preceded him in most situations, and rightly so. It was this which he was encouraged to wear to differentiate himself from all other excavators and to prevent himself from being targeted by bandits. His Norfolk jacket with its 15 pockets also gained a reputation as being part of his digging attire and further contributed towards Myres’ archaeological reputation.


By looking through Myres’ slides in the archives and reading his words I have been able to expand my knowledge of Cypriot Archaeology and the way in which individuals fit into a greater academic and social network. The life of John L Myres demonstrates the way in which one individual can have countless different identities, and he himself was far more than simply the man in the white hat.

Alice Jaspars  September 2016

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The National Archives provides many “entrances” to our content. We have facilities located across the country to bring our records to you and you may find our records where you go to on the web, including Wikipedia, Facebook, Instagram, and many more.  We know that nearly one third of you come to our website via your phones and this experience just got much better.

A few days ago, our website ( underwent a substantial behind-the-scenes overhaul. Nearly 3 million visitors come to each month to search and discover information about the National Archives. The website serves as the primary face of the agency both nationally and internationally and plays an important role in our Open Government efforts to provide greater transparency and access to the records of the National Archives.

The underlying infrastructure was completely rebuilt and migrated into Drupal, an open source content management system. Drupal allows more NARA staff to more easily update the site content, resulting in a fresher experience for you, our users. Although this effort focused on our back-end systems—and was not a visual redesign of the site—there are some enhancements that will be readily apparent to you and I want to highlight here. These improvements include: a better experience on smartphones and tablets, an updated section of the site dedicated to America’s founding documents, and a new searchable calendar of national events.

1. Responsive to mobile devices: Nearly one third of our web visitors browse on a smartphone or tablet. The updated site now adjusts to provide the best experience for your screen size.Responsive to mobile devices

2. Refreshed look for America’s founding documents: The Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights are viewed more than 18 million times a year and are consistently in our top 5 most visited sections of the website. In the past, these important documents were featured in a design that was distinct from the rest of the website and the user experience on mobile devices was poor. We’ve incorporated this content into the main site, making it more accessible on mobile devices, improving the navigation, and better integrating documents with the rest of our online offerings.

Refreshed look for America's Founding Documents


3. Searchable calendar of events: Want to find a fun event for kids or a workshop for genealogists? Our new calendar interface provides simple ways to search by keyword, filter by event location, and by event type. You can also easily add an event to your own preferred calendar (iCal, Google, etc.) so you’ll never forget where and when to join us!

Searchable Calendar of Events

4. Featured records on the homepage: We have added a prominent spot on the homepage for highlighting relevant items from the Catalog. Check here for connections between our holdings and current events and anniversaries as well as newly-digitized records.

5. Improved search: Our new website search is designed to provide more relevant results. We’ve made the search more comprehensive as well, so you will now find results from our Presidential Library websites and the latest news from our many social media accounts.

Improved Search

Our website plays an essential role in helping the National Archives make access happen and connect with our customers. While most of the changes we’ve made to date are behind the scenes, these back-end upgrades are a critical first step towards a full redesign that will improve the look, navigation, and user experience. We are excited to roll out these initial changes and look forward to hearing your feedback.  Add your comments below or send in to

Bedford Book of Hours

In addition to our three newest medieval facsimiles, Special Collections & Archives has recently acquired a high-quality facsimile of the Bedford Book of Hours.

Bedford Book of Hours
An illustration of the Tower of Babel from the Bedford Book of Hours (image credit: Wikipedia)

The Bedford Book of Hours is a lavishly-illustrated early fifteenth century French prayer book made for John, Duke of Bedford, and his wife, Anne of Burgundy. Anne later gave the book to her nine-year-old nephew, Henry VI, as Christmas present. The original manuscript is now in the British Library (Add. MSS 18850). The illustrations were produced in Paris in the workshop of an unnamed artist known to art historians as the “Bedford Master.” The Bedford Book of Hours exemplifies the type of high-end manuscripts produced in secular bookmaking shops for European nobility in the late Middle Ages.

More information about the Bedford Book of Hours and other medieval facsimiles can be found on the Facsimiles of Medieval Manuscripts and Incunabula Research Guide.

Traveling Exhibit: The Black Church in Rhode Island

Blog readers in Rhode Island: check out the traveling exhibit “Do Lord Remember Me: The Black Church in Rhode Island,” curated by Robb Dimmick! The exhibit, from the organization Stages of Freedom, contains images from our collections, alongside other documentation of the history of Black churches, community, and faith in Rhode Island.


The exhibit will be on view tomorrow, October 14th, from 10am – 3pm at the First Baptist Church at 75 North Main Street in Providence. If you can’t make it tomorrow, you can also see it on October 16th at the Museum of Work and Culture in Woonsocket, or on October 24th at the Redwood Library and Athenaeum in Newport.

Mayor Lindsay Responds to the 1967 Riots

“Civil wrongs don’t make for civil rights,” John Lindsay quotes Adlai Stevenson, as American cities convulse with riots in 1967. This press conference, held the day after President Johnson’s speech announcing the formation of the Kerner Commission, on which Lindsay would serve, finds the New York mayor in his familiar role of attempting to navigate the minefield of black rage and white backlash as the country threatens to descend into chaos. Lindsay is clearly sympathetic to the plight of African-Americans in America’s inner cities. He is also attempting to maintain law and order while running an underfunded municipal government. He insists there is “no evidence” of a conspiracy or outside agitation linking the riots in Cleveland, Newark, and Detroit, but when a reporter asks if this is the beginning of a “black revolution” there is a painfully long silence before Lindsay responds, “I don’t know the answer to that. I really don’t.” Similarly, pressed about “white backlash,” he frankly shrugs, “I don’t know. I don’t know how to respond to that. I read the same as you do…the same newspapers.”

His solutions range from congress allocating more money to social welfare programs to vague efforts to reach sixteen-year-olds, a problem “we have got to lick.” The causes of the rioting that he reels off, “general conditions, housing, schools, education, city services, job opportunities” are daunting, especially when the only immediate solutions he has to offer are a “splash ladder” from the Fire Department spraying down a playstreet in Harlem, and additional lights for playing fields in “ghetto areas” throughout the city. This press conference took place in late July. The country’s long hot summer was not over yet.

John V. Lindsay (1921-2000) was swept to office in 1966 on a wave of glamour and optimism. The handsome, Kennedyesque liberal Republican represented a break from his machine-backed predecessors. But labor strikes, fiscal decline, and racial tensions made his two terms as mayor among the most bruising in New York City history. Listening to the worried questions posed in this press conference, one realizes the extent to which these sudden and seemingly unconnected riots unnerved America. The Dictionary of National History attempts to put them in context by explaining:

Beginning in April and continuing through the rest of the year, 159 race riots erupted across the United States. The first occurred in Cleveland, but by far the most devastating were those that took place in Newark, New Jersey, and Detroit, Michigan. The former took twenty-six lives and injured fifteen hundred; the latter resulted in forty deaths and two thousand injuries. Large swaths of ghetto in both places went up in flames. Television showed burning buildings and looted stores, with both National Guardsmen and paratroopers on the scenes. These upheavals seemed to come out of nowhere, but that was not really the case. Urban violence, including race confrontation, was always present in America; “politics out of doors,” as it was called in the nineteenth century, was evident in the coming of the American Revolution, the Age of Jackson, the Civil War, and the century following. In the long view, 1967’s explosions were important but far from unique episodes of civil disorder in American history.

New York did not suffer this fate, due in a large part to Lindsay’s credibility among blacks. He is heard here clearly advocating for black causes and sympathizing with their lack of opportunities. In its obituary, the New York Times points out:

…when riots tore at Detroit, Newark, Los Angeles and other cities, he walked the steamy night streets of Harlem and other black areas, tie askew, jacket flung over the shoulder, taller than anyone else, talking to people with only a detective at his side: a calm figure of civic dignity. And while other cities burned, New York had only minimal looting and violence.

As for the Kerner Commission, whose formation is under discussion here, one hears many of Lindsay’s points echoed in its findings. But just as the mayor’s voice seems a lonely one, echoing in the maelstrom of hate espoused on both sides, so the commission’s calls for reform failed to gain an audience. The website History Matters tells how:

President Lyndon Johnson formed an 11-member National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders in July 1967 to explain the riots that plagued cities each summer since 1964 and to provide recommendations for the future. The Commission’s 1968 report, informally known as the Kerner Report, concluded that the nation was “moving toward two societies, one black, one white—separate and unequal.” Unless conditions were remedied, the Commission warned, the country faced a “system of ’apartheid’” in its major cities. The Kerner report delivered an indictment of “white society” for isolating and neglecting African Americans and urged legislation to promote racial integration and to enrich slums—primarily through the creation of jobs, job training programs, and decent housing. President Johnson, however, rejected the recommendations.

As for Lindsay himself, few former mayors have fallen on such hard times after leaving office. Never rich, he suffered from a series of financial reverses that, along with mounting medical bills and lack of health insurance, left him almost penniless. In 1997 an honorary position was found for him and new rules were put into effect enabling him to collect a city pension.

Audio courtesy of the NYC Municipal Archives WNYC Collection.

WNYC archives id: 150364
Municipal archives id: LT2654

Home Movie Day Vancouver 2016

This year’s event will be Saturday, October 15 in the Grand Luxe Hall at Western Front, 303 East 8th Ave., 12pm-4pm.14188448_967145463394427_104314119198022744_o


Part of the worldwide Home Movie Day celebration, and organized by the local audio visual community, this event is always festive and fun. You can bring in your own 8mm, Super 8, or 16mm film and VHS video or just come out and see other people’s films.

There will be a demonstration of working with Super 8 film.

We hope to see you there. For more detail, see the Vancouver Home Movie Day Facaebook page.

Vaudeville and Vancouver!

The Friends of the Vancouver Archives are holding their annual fall fundraiser October 23rd, 2pm. The Early Bird discount ends Oct. 12. The event will be an illustrated talk with light refreshments.

Vaudeville actors who performed at the Orpheum Theatre, 1914. Reference code AM54-S4-2-: CVA 371-2165.

Vaudeville actors who performed at the Orpheum Theatre, 1914. Reference code AM54-S4-2-: CVA 371-2165.

With its mixed variety of singers, dancers, comedians, musicians, minstrel shows and sing-a-longs, Vaudeville shows crisscrossed North America in the early 20th century. With rail connections to the United States, Vancouver was a major stop on the circuit and Hastings Street was theatre row, home to some of the largest and most glamorous venues in the city.

Join historian John Atkin and artist Tom Carter for an illustrated look at this uproarious era of traveling performers and elaborate theatres. The event will be held at the City of Vancouver Archives in Vanier Park.

Tickets are available on Eventbrite. We hope to see you there!

If you are interested in seeing more about the Friends, they are on Facebook.

Tunguska Event: The Truth is Out There

At approximately 7 AM on the morning of June 30th, 1908, a bright falling star—described as “splitting the sky in two”1—was observed by thousands of people living in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in Siberia. Witnesses reported seeing a flash as bright as a second sun. The ground shook, trees caught on fire and some were flung through the air. Some only heard the thunderous shock, which registered as a magnitude 5 earthquake on the Richter scale by seismographs near the site. According to this 1960s report from Radio Moscow:

It was heard 700 miles away. Instruments registered it in Saint Petersburg, Berlin, London and even Washington. The explosion produced strange disturbances in the atmosphere. The first two nights after the blast were so light that people in Paris could read newspapers and Londoners could even take pictures [without a flash bulb].

Because the event occurred in a remote, swampy area of the Tunguska region, there were no published investigations of the crash site for almost 20 years; Leonid Kulik, a Russian mineralogist led the first expedition in 1927. A 1929 article in the New York Times describes the scene, based on his observations:

In the centre there is an area several miles in diameter, where the earth is torn and furrowed as though by a gigantic harrow, and also pitted, in places, with numerous large circular excavations resembling lunar craters. Around this centre is a broad zone in which lie millions of trees, stripped of bark and branches, and all with their tops pointing outward. They bear marks of a uniform scorch, quite different from the effects of an ordinary forest fire. These trees, some of which are of great size, were evidently blown down by the blast of air produced by the fall of the meteoric mass. The same blast knocked down human beings and damaged houses fifty miles away.

A Tungus [indigenous person of this region] told Kulik that one of his relatives had stores and a herd of 1,500 domestic reindeer in the forest when the meteorite fell. These were all destroyed. Only a few scorched carcasses of the animals could be found; the storehouse was burned down; tools were completely melted.

Contrary to expectation, Kulik did not find an impact crater or debris from the foreign object. He reported an epicenter of trees still standing, but scorched and stripped of their branches like a group of telephone poles.

If this sounds like a good cold open for an episode of the X-Files, the Tunguska event did make a cameo appearance on that TV series, which insinuated the object carried a parasitic alien organism! Indeed, theories persist that this was the crash site for an alien space craft, a miniature black hole, an antimatter collision or punishment from a higher power.

However, the event was most likely caused by an asteroid or comet, which came in contact with the earth’s atmosphere and exploded shortly before hitting the surface, leveling nearly 800 square miles of trees. This mid-air explosion, known as a superbolide, is believed to have been 1,000 times greater than the atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima. 

One can imagine how brilliant and terrifying the Tunguska object must have been to those that witnessed its descent towards earth. A similar event happened in 2013 in which a much smaller meteor exploded in the earth’s atmosphere near Chelyabinsk Oblast in the Ural Mountains. Compared to Tunguska, this event was only 29 times greater than the Hiroshima bomb. 

Meteor over Chelyabinsk, footage taken by Aleksandr Ivanov.
(Wikimedia Commons)


Audio courtesy of the NYC Municipal Archives WNYC Collection.

WNYC archives id: 150282
Municipal archives id: T4052

[1] Rincon, Paul. “Fire in the sky: Tunguska at 100.” BBC News.

Hogenboom, Melissa. “In Sibera in 1908, a huge explosion came out of nowhere.” BBC Earth.

Science@NASA, “The Tunguska Impact–100 Years Later”

Perkins, Sid. “A Century Later, Scientists Still Study Tunguska: Asteroid or Comet Blamed for Siberian Blast of 1908.” Science News 173.19 (2008): 5-6.


Bad Children of History #28: Alfred’s Revenge

Today’s Bad Child of History, Alfred Hardon, hails from a 19th-century story collection called Uncle Paul’s Stories for Boys and Girls, published by the American Tract Society.

Unlike some cautionary tales, which regale us with exciting accounts of juvenile mischief before culminating in the sad results of said mischief, Alfred’s story is pretty tragic from the get-go.


Initially, we learn that Alfred is suffering deep emotional distress due to the fact that William Brown had gone above him in school at spelling that afternoon. (Did you take a look at Alfred’s eyebrows in the illustration above? SO distressed!) And we all know the obvious response to wounded pride, yes?


We’re not told what Alfred has in mind, although the narrator tells us that:

Alfred Hardon was a passionate, self-willed boy, and the well-deserved success of his classmate had awakened evil feelings in his heart, and the bitter seed that had already been sown there immediately sprung up into hatred, and a resolution to be revenged.

Oof, bitter seed! That sounds pretty bad. We find out exactly how bad in the next paragraph, when Alfred’s teacher arrives at school with a “grave countenance” and explains his current condition to his classmates.

As soon as the opening exercises were over, the teacher said: ‘Most of you have, no doubt, heard of the sad accident which has befallen Alfred Hardon. He was found late last night on the floor of Mr. Brown’s barn, just beneath the beam to which William’s swing is fastened, insensible, his right arm broken, and with other injuries, some of which are so serious that, till this morning, his life was despaired of.

‘You have probably heard that it was thought he fell while swinging; but his father called me in as I was passing the house this morning, and, with great sorrow, told me Alfred had confessed that he went to the barn yesterday afternoon, secretly, and for the wicked purpose of cutting one of the ropes of the swing in such a way that when William next used it he would be sure to fall.’

Alfred’s classmates utter “a suppressed murmur of astonishment and indignation” as the teacher explains that Alfred, bedridden with his numerous injuries, is now “very humble and penitent,” and hopes to speak to Willie to ask his forgiveness.

The remainder of the tale consists of paraphrased Bible lessons, which I shall not recount here. Just remember, readers: don’t let bitter seeds take root in your heart, or divine intervention may push you off of a roof beam.

Perth Metro Plans Project

Damien Hassan
Wednesday, October 5, 2016 – 09:31

The State Records Office has been digitising and geo-referencing Perth’s historical Sewerage Plans to provide a fresh perspective on the past hundred years of metropolitan development. Thanks to this new initiative, architects, town planners, home owners and general researchers will be able to approach the information in these plans – which document the growth of the city and often lost parts of Perth – from a completely different angle.

The installation of a sewerage system for the Perth metropolitan area commenced in earnest in 1909 and was an undertaking that was to continue for many years (some parts of Perth remain unconnected to the sewerage scheme to this day). A project of this scale was considerable and was carried out by the newly formed Metropolitan Board of Water Supply and Sewerage, which became its own department in 1912. 

To prepare for installation, government officers commenced on-the-ground field surveys across Perth in 1905 and produced detailed diagrams of individual properties to show where sewer lines would need to be connected. The State Records Office holds many of these original field and level books at Series 84 (not to be confused with Department of Lands and Surveys field books, which are a whole other set of records). The information from these field surveys was then transposed onto a series of plans at a scale of forty feet to one inch. These are commonly known as Sewerage Plans (Series 634).

The original set of Sewerage Plans were transferred by the Water Authority of WA to the State Archives Collection in 1981 and have been in regular use since then, typically by heritage researchers or members of the public interested in the history of their own property. As per this example, each plan shows considerable detail for residential properties as well as the broader metropolitan area in the first half of the 20th Century. The plans – all 2,202 of them – cover large parts of Perth, but not all of it. The metropolitan area has expanded greatly over the last 70 years so outer suburbs, and even some inner suburbs developed later in the 20th Century, are not covered in the plans.

Through funding provided by the Friends of Battye Library Inc., the State Records Office recently completed digitisation of its set of Sewerage Plans. We plan to make these digital copies available online through our catalogue in coming months. The State Records Office warmly acknowledges the Friends of Battye for its ongoing support and commitment to this project.

To date, clients wanting to access the Sewerage Plans have needed to use microfiche copies at the State Records Office Search Room. Making digital copies available online will allow anyone, wherever they are located, to view high quality versions of the plans (we have digitised the Sewerage Plans from the original drawings in high-resolution). But finding a specific plan remains a problem. Currently, locating a plan (i.e. one that shows your property) requires consulting a set of index plans to obtain the right plan number. This system works, but is cumbersome and not an ideal solution. To resolve this, we have been geo-referencing each plan, akin to providing latitude and longitude coordinates for all plans. To this end, the State Records Office is being ably assisted by spatial analyst Callan Wood who is providing his expertise, time and geo-referencing skills in a purely voluntary capacity.

This means we will be able to make the geo-referenced plans available through a modern mapping interface and searchable by current street location so that Perth residents can view their property as it is now through current satellite imagery, but also as it was many decades ago, even up to 100 years ago for some residents. 

We are conducting this geo-referencing work to create a new and permanent State resource that will support many public research needs both now and into the future, whether for specific property research, as part of heritage assessments, to serve social/local/built history needs and even to assist school projects on local areas or houses. The geo-referenced plans will also be available to use with other datasets, whether historic or current, to be utilised for additional purposes we haven’t yet contemplated.

This project is also proving a good test bed for future geo-referencing work and how we could achieve this on a larger scale. There remains not only many thousands of maps, plans and charts in the State Archives Collection that would benefit from geo-referencing, but also photographic material and even text based records. In addition, we are gaining a better understanding of how geo-referencing software and systems work, as we will need to accept government data and information from these types of systems into the State Archives Collection in the future (a subject for another blog, at another time).

We have called this initiative the Perth Metro Plans Project.

Geo-referencing 2,202 plans is not an overnight task, but we are working to complete this project as quickly as we can. Stay tuned for further updates!


Magician of the Week #45: Robert Hardie

We’ve begun to notice a mephitis mephitis trend in mid-century stage magic. Perhaps you recall Sgt. Phil Jay and his trained skunk, or the skunk in John Levy’s magical menagerie. Here’s another spellbinding skunk, this one being pulled from a red velvet change bag by magician Robert (Bob) Hardie:


Hardie explains his maneuver like so:

The effect is that the magician or emcee comes forward with a huge red velvet change-bag — shows it empty and proceeds to extract a large number of silks, etc. from it, while at the same time reciting a poem, and finally ending with the production of a skunk.

Image and description are from the September 1956 issue of The Linking Ring.

New Acquisitions: Naked Lunch

When “Ten Episodes from Naked Lunch” first appeared in The Chicago Review, public outrage over obscenity caused the University of Chicago to suppress its publication. In response, Chicago Review editor Irving Rosenthal founded a new literary journal called Big Table, whose inaugural issue included a reprint of the ten episodes from William S. Burrough’s novel-in-progress. The completed novel was first published in Paris by Olympia Press in 1959.


FSU Special Collections & Archives is pleased to announce we have recently added Big Table I and the first edition, first printing, second issue of the Olympia Press Naked Lunch to the Gontarski Grove Press Collection. These two new editions strengthen our holdings in William S. Burroughs, which include the first US printing of Naked Lunch by the Grove Press, as well as important Burroughs literary manuscripts and correspondence in the Francois Bucher Papers.

Other new Grove Press titles include: Oh! Calcutta! by Kenneth Tynan and All Men Are Brothers (Shui Hu Chuan) translated by Pearl S. Buck.