Tattoo Ideas from the Updike Collection

Our Updike Collection on the History of Printing contains a tremendous number of type specimen books, many of which have sections of cuts–small, reusable illustrations that printers could purchase to illustrate books, newspapers, broadsides, and the like. (We often describe them as “historic clip art”.)

More often than not, first-time viewers of these cuts will point to one and exclaim, “Wow, that would make a great tattoo!” Which brings us to two points:

  1. If you own a tattoo shop and want to work out a deal, get in touch;
  2. We have a LOT of fun ideas for tattoos.

We’d like to present a few recent inspirations, all from a recently cataloged specimen book from the G. Schildknecht type foundry in Brussels.

Religious tattoos are always popular, but does anyone really need to see another bicep graced by a sacred heart? Why not get a unique religious tattoo, like this image of St. Nicholas with three babies in a wooden tub?


(If you don’t know the story of St. Nicholas miraculously resurrecting three babies who were chopped up and salted by an evil butcher, well, now you do.)

If that’s too tame for you, you could also get this image of an apparition of Mary in a… tree? Is that a mushroom cloud? Why don’t Mary or baby Jesus have limbs? If you know more about what this image is depicting, please let us know.


If a religious tattoo isn’t for you, may we suggest an animal? Such as…

…totally stoked cat, disheveled porcupine, maned sloth with a weird face, or side-eye sheep?

For the truly fun-loving tattoo-getter, there’s always Dionysus, which is my preliminary identification of the fun-loving and wavy-eyedbrowed gent shown here:


And finally, for those looking for a unique twist on the traditional “Mom” tattoo, how about this stylized face situation, with “Mom” on the banner?


Eileen Press Kairys

Contralto Eileen Press was born in New York City. She began her musical training at the age of three learning to play the violin eventually moving to the cello and piano. Majoring in music she graduated from NYU’s Washington Square College and sang leading roles with the Greenwich Village Light Opera Company and as a soloist in New York City churches. At the time of her July 1947 recital appearance on WNYC, she was a soloist at Manhattan’s Temple Emanu-El. Press had also sung in solo ensemble with the New York Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra under conductor Artur Rodzinski.

Eileen Press married Dr. David Kairys in 1960. She later provided services to medical students at Mt. Sinai Medical Center’s Recreation office in the 1980s. Eileen never lost her love for playing the piano. To her last days, she was a devoted and beloved mother to her son, Stephen.

The note below was written just after the April 28, 1947 concert at the top of this page. 

Thank you note from Eileen Press to WNYC Music Director Herman Neuman.
(Courtesy of Stephen Kairys/WNYC Archive Collections)

Eileen Press also performed “Songs From the Oratorios” over WNYC on July 13, 1947 below. In both of her WNYC performances she was accompanied by her sister, Alice M. Press, on piano.

Song listing for the July 13, 1947 WNYC broadcast.
(Courtesy of Stephen Kairys)


Eileen Press Tchaikovsky and Saint Saens

Eileen Press sings Carmen

Eileen Press sings Aida

A compilation track of all of the above performances.


All audio courtesy of Stephen Kairys.

White House Transformation Plan

Last week President Trump released his plan to reform and reorganize the Federal government. I am pleased to announce that the President’s plan includes NARA’s reform proposal, “Transition to Electronic Government.” The Summary of Proposal states:

“This proposal would transition Federal agencies’ business processes and recordkeeping to a fully electronic environment, and end the National Archives and Records Administration’s (NARA) acceptance of paper records by December 31, 2022. This would improve agencies’ efficiency, effectiveness, and responsiveness to citizens by converting paper-based processes to electronic workflows, expanding online services, and enhancing management of Government records, data, and information.”

The Government Reform Plan endorses NARA’s Strategic Plan goal to stop accepting paper records by December 31, 2022, and adds new expectations for Executive Branch agencies to support the transition to fully-electronic records management.

I am proud that NARA has an opportunity to contribute to the President’s plan, and I am encouraged that the Administration recognizes the importance of records management. Records management is an essential function of government, and the President’s plan allows NARA to leverage our records management policies, standards, and leadership to help streamline the Federal government.

I want to take this opportunity to thank the NARA staff for their contributions that have led up to today’s announcement. NARA’s reform proposal is the direct result of suggestions and contributions from NARA staff.

Our reform plan proposal was based on ideas contributed by staff in a staff survey, “Ideas to Improve NARA.” We also used the FY 2018—2022 Strategic Planning process to develop and refine these ideas, and collected staff feedback in a series of town halls, surveys, and participation in our internal collaboration network. The result is a reform plan that complements our Strategic Plan, puts records management at the forefront of other agencies’ reform agendas, and will help drive greater efficiency and effectiveness while making the Federal government more responsive to the American people.

Again, I want to thank our staff for their participation and contributions to this important moment for NARA. I encourage everyone to review the full report so that you can see the entire scope of the proposed changes and review NARA’s proposal.


Bad Children of History #35: Squalid Swedes

Today’s bad children of history aren’t naughty, per se; they’re just very, very, very unkempt. They wear floppy bucket hats, they don’t brush their hair, and they even [whispering] ride around on pigs.


These children eat with their dirty hands, spilling food onto their smocks, and their table manners leave more than a little to be desired.


(Isn’t that framed pig portrait on the wall a nice touch?)

Luckily for these grubby children, Pelle Snygg soon arrives in his sparkling white clown suit to shame them with threats of cleanliness and a promotional flag. Yikes!


After laying eyes on these mucky moppets, Pelle Snygg realizes that the task is immense, and he needs to recruit help. He calls up his close friends, Intimidating Sponge Lady, Scary Anthropomorphized Pitcher Guy, Boar Who Makes Brushes From His Own Bristles, and someone who I think might be a bar of soap in a friar’s robe.

The yucky youth are NOT delighted to see their new extreme makeover team, although Pelle Snygg seems nothing short of jubilant (and immaculate).


Pelle Snygg begins the beautification process with a healthy dose of shampoo and smart, new summer hairdos for all.

For the transformation to be complete, Pelle Snygg implements lifestyle changes for the yucky children, with a vigorous lake swim and some laundry-washing lessons:


In a surprising turn of events, these children now seem to be fully under the sway of Intimidating Sponge Lady and her cohort. “I feel like a new person!,” they chime. “I thought it was impossible to love the skin I’m in. I can’t believe the difference! Thanks, Pelle Snygg!”


Nueva Directiva en la Red Nacional de Archivos de Instituciones de Educación Superior (Renaies) A. C

Preside UABC la Red Nacional de Archivos

Preside UABC la Red Nacional de Archivos
Autoridades de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC) informaron que la presidencia de la Red Nacional de Archivos de Instituciones de Educación Superior (Renaies) A. C., quedó a cargo de la doctora Olga Minerva Castro Luque, secretaria de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información Pública de la institución.

Conforme a los datos divulgados, l
a toma de protesta fue durante las XVII Jornadas Archivísticas de la Renaies 2018, realizadas del 6 al 8 de junio en la UABC.

Ahí también fue celebrada la IX Asamblea General para elegir al Comité Directivo del periodo 2018–2020, a través de la votación de sus asociados institucionales e independientes.

Castro Luque destacó la presidencia de la Renaies porque el 15 de junio, en el Diario Oficial de la Federación, publicaron la Ley General de Archivos, la cual obliga a todas las instituciones públicas del orden federal, estatal y municipal, a contar con archivos debidamente clasificados y ordenados.

Esto, para preservar la memoria histórica, fortalecer la organización de las instituciones, apoyar a la investigación, consolidar la rendición de cuentas y al sistema anticorrupción.

“La toma de decisiones lleva un registro y si éste no se preserva, será difícil rendir cuentas. Si no conservamos los archivos, será muy complicado servirle al ciudadano que tiene el derecho al acceso a la información pública”, expuso la secretaria.

Por lo anterior invitó a todas las instituciones de educación superior a unirse a la Renaies, organismo conformado por un grupo multidisciplinario de profesionales con amplios conocimientos en archivística.

“Una de las ventajas de participar en la Red es estar actualizados en el tema, tanto en lo que pasa en América Latina como en México”, señaló.

Castro Luque agregó que al formar parte de esta red, las instituciones de educación superior podrán trabajar de manera conjunta y coordinada, de tal modo que cuando la Ley entre en vigor dentro de un año, estarán preparadas y podrán ser referentes entre el resto de los sujetos obligados.

“La UABC tiene el compromiso, a través de la Renaies, de instar a todas las universidades públicas de México para que trabajemos unidas y seamos, como en muchos temas, punta de lanza.

“Se ha dicho que los ciudadanos de nuestro país confían en las instituciones de educación superior, por lo tanto, debemos ser ejemplo en la rendición de cuentas”, abundó.

De acuerdo con la UABC, el Comité Directivo está integrado por la maestra María Eugenia Gutiérrez Valdez, del Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora (Secretaría); la maestra Alma Leticia Gómez Gómez, de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Tesorería); y como vocales las doctoras Georgina Flores Padilla, de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, y María del Pilar Pacheco Zamudio, de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.

Autor: Benjamín Pacheco/EL VIGÍA

Evita la pérdida de información por malware

5 consejos para prevenir la pérdida de datos provocada por el malware

Existen muchas variedades de malware que pueden comprometer el buen funcionamiento de nuestro equipo. La variedad es tan amplia como las opciones que encontramos para proteger los sistemas. Pero quizás el problema más grave al que se enfrentan los usuarios son aquellas amenazas que pueden poner en riesgo los datos. Con esto hablamos de todos los archivos de un equipo, de toda una unidad. En este artículo vamos a dar algunos consejos para mitigar el problema el malware que puede borrar todos nuestros datos. Hace un mes hablamos de StalinLocker, un malware que podía borrar un disco en cuestión de minutos.
Evitar la pérdida de datos por el malware

Como el caso de StalinLocker, por desgracia hay muchos más. Programas maliciosos configurados para vaciar un equipo. También el caso del ransomware, ideados para secuestrar los archivos y pedir un rescate a cambio. Este, de hecho, fue uno de los principales problemas de ciberseguridad durante 2017.

Pero los usuarios podemos realizar diferentes acciones para proteger nuestro equipo y mitigar este problema. Por ello vamos a dar algunos consejos para poner en práctica. Además, no solamente pueden protegernos algunos de ellos de una pérdida de datos en caso de algún tipo de malware, sino también algún problema de hardware o pérdida de dispositivo.

No hay nada peor que la entrada de cualquier tipo de malware que haga imposible trabajar en un equipo y obligue a formatear. Todos nuestros datos en peligro.
Crear copias de seguridad

Lo primero y más importante es crear copias de seguridad. Es la manera más eficaz de proteger nuestros datos. En caso de un eventual ataque, tendremos una copia de todos nuestros archivos en otro dispositivo. Existen muchas opciones. Básicamente tenemos que elegir entre crear una copia física o en la nube.

Es el primer escudo frente al ransomware, aunque lógicamente no puede evitar la amenaza en sí. Es importante ya que de esta manera si hay algún virus que borre nuestro equipo, esos archivos estarán guardados en otro lugar y el daño puede ser menor.

Programas y herramientas de seguridad

Contar con programas y herramientas de seguridad es muy importante. En este caso sí puede protegernos del malware. Es importante contar con un buen antivirus que detecte posibles amenazas que pongan en riesgo nuestros archivos.

Además, estos programas deben estar actualizados a la última versión. De esta manera haremos frente a los problemas más recientes.

Consejos frente al malware

Tener cuidado al navegar

Cuando hablamos de malware, una de las fuentes de entradas más frecuentes es a la hora de navegar. Hay que tener mucho cuidado de las descargas, especialmente. Siempre hay que descargar los programas de sitios y fuentes oficiales. Es frecuente que en páginas de terceros puedan entrar aplicaciones modificadas y que puedan comprometer nuestros sistemas.

Dentro de estos programas dañinos se encuentran algunas variedades de malware que pueden comprometer nuestros datos. Por tanto, tener mucho al navegar y al descargar es uno de los pilares de evitar archivos dañinos que puedan provocar un borrado de disco y comprometer nuestros datos.

Mantener nuestro equipo actualizado

Anteriormente mencionamos que debemos de contar con programas antivirus actualizados. Lo mismo ocurre con el propio sistema. En ocasiones surgen vulnerabilidades que pueden provocar la pérdida de datos si son explotadas. Existen variedades de malware que aprovechan estos errores para penetrar en un equipo.

Manteniendo las actualizaciones e instalando los parches de seguridad que van apareciendo, podemos evitar problemas de este tipo. Es otra de las acciones más importantes que podemos hacer para evitar el borrado de datos por culpa del malware.
Sentido común

Quizás lo más importante de todo. Hay que tener sentido común con e-mails fraudulentos que recibamos, páginas malintencionadas o programas que instalemos. Hay que observar siempre muy bien la fuente de procedencia, así como aspectos generales.

Gran parte del malware requiere de la interacción del usuario. Es por ello que el sentido común se convierte en algo básico para prevenir.

Siete formas de enviar archivos grandes gratis y rápidamente.

Cómo enviar archivos grandes gratis

¿No puedes enviar un archivo por email porque es demasiado grande? Te enseñamos siete formas de enviar archivos grandes gratis y rápidamente.

Es muy común tener que enviar archivos y ficheros a través de email, y es igual de común no poder enviar el archivo por ser demasiado grande o que tu destinatario se moleste al ver saturada su bandeja de entrada con ese archivo.
¿Cómo puedo enviar archivos grandes gratis?

Afortunadamente, existen varias formas de poder enviar grandes de forma gratuita, ya sea con tu smartphone o con tu ordenador. A continuación te mostramos algunas de nuestras favoritas:

1. WeTransfer

WeTransfer ofrece uno de los servicios más sencillos y prácticos para enviar archivos grandes. Es gratis, no necesitas registrarte o tener una cuenta y puedes enviar archivos de hasta 2 GB en cada envío.

Puedes utilizar este servicio tantas veces como quieras y enviar el mismo archivo de una vez hasta a 20 personas diferentes.

WeTransfer también genera un link que puedes enviar a tus contactos por email, por ejemplo, a través del cual se podrá acceder al archivo que deseas enviar. Este link dura hasta 7 días.

2. Send Anywhere

Este es un nuevo servicio en Europa compatible con cualquier navegador web, con iOS, Android y con todo tipo de sistemas operativos, incluyendo Windows Mobile, Linux o macOS.

Para enviar un archivo grande (hasta 4 GB), solo tendrás que instalar el plug-in o extensión en el navegador que estés utilizando, abrir tu correo electrónico, adjuntar el archivo que deseas enviar y mandar el email.

Verás que tras instalar el plug-in no tendrás ningún tipo de problema en enviar el archivo si tienes menos de 4 GB.

Si utilizas la extensión para Chrome o Outlook, el límite de tamaño se extiende hasta 10 GB, y si utilizas la de Android o iOS 20 GB.

Este servicio tampoco requiere que te registres en ningún sitio web, así que es tan práctico y rápido como WeTransfer.

3. MailBigFile

MailBigFile es otra opción rápida y fácil de utilizar. Te permite enviar archivos de 2 GB y subir más de un archivo al mismo tiempo. El remitente tendrá 10 días de plazo para descargar los archivos que le hayas enviado a través de este servicio.

La interfaz no es tan clara y “limpia” como en WeTransfer, pero aún así, sigue siendo un buen servicio al que recurrir si quieres enviar ficheros de gran tamaño de forma gratuita.

4. Hightail

Hightail, conocida inicialmente como YouSendIt, requiere que te registres en su web para poder hacer uso de su versión gratuita.

Aunque el hecho de que tengas que suscribirte hace que el servicio no sea tan rápido y práctico como en las opciones anteriormente explicadas, sigue siendo un servicio decente y sólido para enviar archivos.

Te permite enviar archivos de hasta 250 MB, además, te permite almacenar hasta 2 GB y te regala cinco firmas electrónicas.

Hightail ofrece otros servicios como encriptación de datos, verificación de recibos y acceso a través de una app.

5. Dropbox

Dropbox es probablemente uno de los servicios de almacenamiento en la nube más conocidos. Gracias a él, podrás compartir archivos con tus contactos, aunque estos no sean miembros de la plataforma Dropbox.

Puedes almacenar hasta 2 GB de forma gratuita y, si lo deseas, puedes aumentar la capacidad de almacenamiento a 16 GB si envías recomendaciones del software a tus contactos.

Existen además suscripciones de pago que, además de aumentar el espacio de almacenamiento, cuentan con herramientas y facilidades extra.

6. Google Drive

De forma similar a Dropbox o OneDrive, Google Drive te ofrece espacio para que almacenes tus archivos en la nube y poder acceder a ellos desde cualquier con dispositivo con acceso a Internet.

Si tienes una cuenta Google (la tendrás que tener para poder utilizar Google Drive), dispondrás de 15 GB de espacio gratuitos.

Google Drive no está diseñado en exclusiva como un servicio para enviar archivos grandes a otros usuarios, pero ofrece una herramienta muy sencilla de utilizar que te permitirá compartir esos archivos sin problema.

7. OneDrive

OneDrive es otro de los servicios de almacenamiento en nube más populares del momento que te permitirá compartir archivos grandes con tus contactos. Funciona de forma muy similar a los anteriormente descritos, Google Drive y Dropbox.

Dispondrás de 15 GB de almacenamiento gracias a este servicio de Microsoft, y si necesitas más, puedes recomendar el servicio a tus contactos y conseguir almacenamiento extra.

Cualquier archivo que almacenes en OneDrive podrá ser enviado a tus contactos de forma gratuita. Solo tendrás que hacer clic en el botón de compartir.

8. Mail Drop

Puede que si utilizas un Mac no te hayas dado cuenta de que existe una herramienta gratis para enviar archivos que viene integrada con la aplicación de Mail.

Se llama Mail Drop, y funciona a través de iCloud. Se generará un enlace que el remitente podrá utilizar para descargar el archivo que quieres enviarle, aunque éste o ésta no utilice Mail Drop.

Si el remitente sí que utiliza Mail, el fichero se enviará de forma automática como archivo adjunto en el email, no se notará ningún tipo de diferencia con un archivo más pequeño.

Autor: Sara Piquer Martí

Archivos para no olvidar

Archivos e información, caminos de ida y vuelta por la memoria nacional

Bajo el sugerente hashtag #ArchivosParaNoOlvidar, se difundió por Twitter el conjunto de eventos conmemorativos del Día Internacional de los Archivos que rodearon el 9 de junio.

El Instituto Nacional de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos Personales (Inai) y el Archivo General de la Nación (AGN) celebramos, el 11 de junio, la efeméride con un significativo programa en la sede del Inai. Como era predecible, por inminente, la Ley General de Archivos fue publicada el 15 de junio.

La memoria nacional es un “campo de comprensión” elástico que, si no se recorre, en términos de consulta, se encoge. En cada uno de los nativos de una nación hay remembranzas pretéritas alojadas en el subconsciente, transferidas de la boca de padres y abuelos en forma de relatos cortos que revelan la alegría o la desdicha que proviene de guerras o desastres naturales, que desde la noche de los tiempos vinieron a dar registro oral de “las edades del hombre” y en forma sensitiva aquellos acontecimientos profundamente memorables. Ahí conviven epopeyas y las celebraciones locales y familiares que dieron base a nuestra identidad.

Esa memoria intangible, siempre presente, asimilada desde la niñez por la narrativa de los padres —como diría Serrat— en la transmisión de frustraciones a los hijos “con la leche templada y en cada canción”. Consejos, anécdotas, plegarias, poemas, villancicos y corridos, bordan con hilos de colores el paisaje interior de cada quien, ese nuestro individual territorio sentimental.

En paralelo, el educando recibe en la escuela las notas cívicas y las leyendas patrias, y ahí comienza a gestarse su identidad política, su emoción pública y su vocación política. La lectura será el camino a informarse, la formación como alumno le vendrá sin sentirlo por ósmosis entre las aulas y las canchas de los planteles escolares, con sus reglas, advertencias y sanciones (mayores o menores) le llega al estudiante la necesidad de informarse para conseguir los pequeños y, los grandes objetivos, incluido el de profesionalizarse.

En México, como en muchos otros países, la memoria nacional oficial se adquiría por la vía de la obligatoriedad y se volvió una asignatura controlada, una temática que oscilaba en el discurso inflamado para héroes compatibles con el régimen y del lado opuesto antihéroes lanzados al nivel de viles protagonistas de la adversidad nacional. Un maniqueísmo peligroso que condujo a amar u odiar oficialmente, un brebaje para ofuscar el entendimiento en una permanente trama de los unos contra los otros de cada época nacional.

Muy lejos de la consciencia cívico-política de cada compatriota se encuentran los registros históricos. En los archivos descansan los testimonios que pueden desmentir las leyendas negras y blancas de ídolos y mártires, como de mezquinos traidores, documentos que evidencian que ni los unos fueron tan perfectos ni los otros tan perversos en desdoro de la patria. Pero que muy pocos consultan.

De cada tramo de la historia se va formando un acervo sobre los que ha sucedido. Un camino documentado del quehacer de cada gobernante, sea o no sea relevante su administración o tampoco memorable el personaje, por sus dotes de liderazgo o por sus defectos de mal gobernante, quedan registradas así las batallas nuevas, las de cada día de la vida republicana. Esa información es, no solamente una herramienta para conocer y, en consecuencia, reconocer con objetividad los yerros y los aciertos públicos, es mucho más que para eso, sirve para hacer valer derechos a través de trámites precisos.

La Ley General de Archivos obligará a recuperar aspectos de la memoria nacional que por las visiones ideológicas imperantes fueron canceladas como episodios proscritos y algunos de éstos como secretos inconfesables de la vida nacional. Será inevitable indagar esas noticias del ayer y del mañana en la consulta de los archivos, única fuente para no olvidar.

Improving the Administration of FOIA

Just last month the second term of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Advisory Committee wrapped up its two years of work by unanimously approving its Final Report and Recommendations. The Committee brings together FOIA requesters and agency FOIA professionals to develop consensus solutions to some of the greatest challenges in the administration of FOIA.

During this term, the Committee wrestled with several critical issues and issued recommendations aimed at promoting the proactive disclosure of records, improving agencies’ ability to identify responsive digital records, and reinforcing that FOIA is everyone’s responsibility, not just the responsibility of full-time FOIA professionals. The report also includes a number of best practices that will be published by the Office of Government and Information Services (OGIS) as part of the office’s statutory responsibility to identify procedures and methods to improve FOIA compliance.

David S. Ferriero, Archivist of the United States, welcomes attendees to the final meeting of the 2016-2018 term of the Freedom of Information Act Advisory Committee at the National Archives in Washington, DC, on April 17, 2018
David S. Ferriero, Archivist of the United States, welcomes attendees to the final meeting of the 2016-2018 term of the Freedom of Information Act Advisory Committee at the National Archives in Washington, DC, on April 17, 2018. National Archives photo by Jeff Reed

As the nation’s record keeper, we are tasked with identifying, protecting, preserving and making publicly available the historically valuable records of all three branches of government. We help agencies meet their Federal records management responsibilities through regulations, policies, training and oversight.  Strong records management is the backbone of an efficient, compliant FOIA program and smoother FOIA process. Our role in records management, combined with our role as the Federal FOIA Ombudsman, means that NARA has a critical role to play in pushing forward many of these recommendations. I also look forward to working with counterparts at other key agencies and entities to evaluate and find effective ways to move forward on the Committee’s report.

I look forward to working with OGIS to implement these recommendations. I am also looking forward to announcing the appointment of members to the Committee’s 2018-2020 Term later this summer, and seeing the challenges that the Committee tackles in its next term.

What They Fought: Resistance to Integration and the Path to the 1956 Tallahassee Bus Boycott

In the spring of 1956, after students Wilhelmina Jakes and Carrie Patterson from Florida A&M University, were arrested and jailed for refusing to leave the “whites only” section of a Tallahassee bus, the African-American community of the city rallied together to boycott the city bus service and take a stand for their civil rights and the belief that the color of their skin should not leave them subject to discrimination and fear. Those who participated in the boycott, including Rev. C.K. Steele, Daniel Speed, Jakes and Patterson and many others from the then 10,600 African-American residents of Tallahassee, were met with resistance from bigoted members of the Tallahassee community that felt racial segregation should remain the law of the land. What factors contributed to a mindset that would allow for one group to so poorly treat another?

A new exhibit now open at the Claude Pepper Library seeks to illustrate the kind of resistance that the Bus Boycott participants faced in their endeavors to secure fair and impartial treatment in a city that they too, called home. Guests are invited to visit the Claude Pepper Library and explore the exhibit on the Tallahassee Bus Boycott of 1956 which is open to the public now, through the early fall of 2018. Using primary source documents, ephemera and photographs that provide a deeper context for the events that began to take place in May of 1956, Special Collections & Archives provides a look into the social and political climate in the State of Florida leading during the time of the Bus Boycott. Guests are also able to listen to audio recordings of boycott participants and witnesses, including the Reverend C.K. Steele, Daniel Speed and Governor LeRoy Collins. The Claude Pepper Library and Museum are open Monday through Friday from 9:00AM to 5:00PM, call (850) 644-9217 or email Political Papers Archivist Robert Rubero ( with any questions.

Tea, Talk and Treats: An Exclusive Summer Evening in Vancouver’s Chinese Garden

The City of Vancouver Archives is the repository for the early records of the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Garden Society and on July 5, at 6pm, the Friends of the Vancouver City Archives is hosting an evening entitled “Tea, Talk and Treats: An Exclusive Summer Evening in Vancouver’s Chinese Garden” at the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden.

Friends of the Vancouver City Archives invitation for the July 5th event

The event will support the Archives’ digitization work and will offer Chinese tea and pastries, a presentation given by Professor Alison Bailey regarding the traditional concepts and artistic and poetic representations of the Chinese garden, and a tour of the Garden led by docents that will highlight the Garden’s architectural and horticultural elements.

The records held by the Archives were donated by the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Garden Society in 1991, 1992, and 2011. They span from 1981-2009, with the majority from 1981-1991, and consist of approximately 1700 photographs, 22 videocassettes, 139 architectural drawings, 1 technical drawing and 2 maps.

Garden’s 5th anniversary edition newsletter showing images of the construction of the Garden by the Chinese artisans. Reference code: AM1068-S16-F12

In 1981, the Society, whose mandate was set to act as a cross-cultural bridge for greater understanding of the Chinese culture by establishing and operating a classical Chinese garden in Vancouver’s Chinatown, was incorporated under British Columbia’s Society Act. The construction of the Garden began in 1984. Textual records of the Building Committee (series 3), and the Documentation Committee (series 4), document the building process of the Garden in words, while photographs (series 4), moving images (series 16) and the architectural drawings (series 19) document that process visually.

Back cover of promotional booklet from 1984 with a detail drawing of the Garden. Reference code: AM1068-S8–

The Garden was the first classical Chinese garden to be constructed outside of China. The level of cooperation between the Canadian and Chinese governments to build the Garden was relatively rare in the 1980s, adding to the special nature of the establishment of this Garden. The plans were drawn up by the Suzhou Classical Garden Administration, who worked closely with the firm Joe Wai Architect/Don Vaughan Associates Landscape Architects. The Suzhou Classical Garden Administration worked to prepare the construction materials that were imported from China, and also sent Chinese artisans to build the garden.

The artisans used ancient methods and tools, with the exception of the plastic hard hats, which they were required to wear by the Workers’ Compensation Board, as highlighted in the 1987 production of People Will Talk.

Joe Wai and Don Vaughan were responsible for coordinating the work and overseeing the design and construction of the surrounding park. Records in the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Garden Society fonds also include news clipping footage from the official opening of the Garden in April 1986, just prior to the start of Expo 86.

Other series that make up the fonds consist of minutes, reports, and correspondence relating to the various committees that oversee the running of the garden. Some of these committees include the Administration Committee (series 1), Board of Trustees (series 2), Education Committee (series 5), and Finance Committee (series 7).

The evening with Professor Alison Bailey at the Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden on July 5th, promises to be informative and interesting. We hope to see you there.  Tickets are on sale now.

Making Access Happen through the Digital Public Library of America

Providing public access to Federal Government records is central to the mission of the National Archives. Open access to government records strengthens democracy by allowing Americans to claim their rights of citizenship, hold their government accountable, and understand their history so they can participate more effectively in their government.

Collaboration with stakeholders, the public, and private organizations to make historical records available has long been a priority for the National Archives. It is clear that collaboration is the path to the future, and nowhere is this more apparent than through the efforts of the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) to connect people to our nation’s shared history.

DPLA provides a single online access point for anyone, anywhere to search and access digital collections containing America’s cultural, historical and scientific heritage. This collaborative effort has united leaders and educators from various government agencies, libraries, archives and museums of all sizes working together to ensure that all people have access to information they need.

Screenshot of DPLA Browse by Topic page

We’ve been involved with DPLA from its earliest stages. In October 2010, I was in the meeting room at Harvard University’s Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study when DPLA was born. We hosted the first Plenary Session back in 2011, where more than 300 government leaders, librarians, technologists, makers, students, and many others gathered at the National Archives to share their visions for DPLA and open access.

DPLA has now grown to include more than 21 million records from over 3,000 cultural heritage institutions across the United States. The National Archives is the largest participating Content Hub: nearly 3.8 million NARA records are currently available on DPLA, making up 17.5% percent of the content.

The volume of records that we’ve been able to share over the years has allowed DPLA to test the scalability of their ingestion infrastructure. Testing with such a large data set provides the opportunity to see how large numbers of records affect search and retrieval algorithms. This is an important step, as the goal of DPLA is to provide users with the most accurate search results without overwhelming records from other institutions in their index. We are continuing to work together to share more of our data with DPLA.

The National Archives’ participation in DPLA over the years has been an opportunity to share our content more broadly, open new doors for research and discovery, and engage and connect with users from across the United States and around the world. I am especially proud of the work done collaboratively by the National Archives and participating institutions to expand access to information through DPLA. The ability to seamlessly search across the collections of major cultural, historical, and research institutions alongside the holdings of local museums and libraries improves democracy through education, and furthers the principles of open government.

Becci Davis Artist’s Talk at PPL 6/13

We’re very sad to say that our 2018 Creative Fellow’s time with us is coming to a close at the end of June. We’ve had a delightful time working with her, and it’s been energizing and exciting to see the new work that she’s created based on our collections.

First, we’d like to say that Becci Davis gave an astounding and well-received performance on the library’s Washington Street steps this past Saturday as part of PVDFest, complete with large-scale banners bearing images of items from our Special Collections. Below are a couple of photographs of her performance:

If you missed Saturday’s performance, or if you loved it so much that it left you wanting more, you’ll be happy to hear that tomorrow (Wednesday, June 13, 2018), you’ll have TWO opportunities to see Becci!

First, she’ll be bringing her Beacon Beauty Shop (as seen at our HairBrained opening) to Burnside Park in downtown Providence from 11:00 – 2:00. A description from the artist:

Beacon Beauty Shop is an interactive art performance. Becci Davis had her first appointment in a beauty shop when she was ten years old. Since then, she has been a patron in numerous beauty salons and found that elements of Black salon culture are widespread. That alone is something beautiful. These institutions are beacons of Black culture and the setting to countless intimate interactions between stylist and client. Join her as she examines beauty shop culture through performance. Share good, bad, and awkward moments in an intimate, 5 minute, one-on-one exchange.


Then, later that same day, Becci is giving an artist’s talk at the library, where she’ll reflect on her research and creative process, show documentation of Saturday’s performance of Private Proclamations, and answer questions. (Thank you to Matthew Lawrence of Law and Order Party for a lovely shout-out regarding this talk!)

We hope to see you there!

A Visual Tour of Florida State University History: The Historic Photograph Collection

Heritage & University Archives is excited to present a newly reprocessed collection: The Florida State University Historic Photograph Collection. An initial inventory, which took a project archivist roughly four months to compile, indicated that the collection included nearly half a million images in both print and negative format. Former graduate student Dave Rodriguez then spent a year organizing and reprocessing the original several small collections and new accessions into its current state. The collection is now housed in over 200 boxes in the Special Collections & Archives stacks.

The collection during reprocessing.


The images cover a wide time span, from FSU’s earliest iteration, the Seminary West of the Suwannee River, to the present. While the photographs date back as far as the 1800s, the bulk of the material is dated between 1920s to the 1970s.

The Platonic Debate Society, 1903.


Student reading, undated.

The images themselves depict every facet of life on campus, from construction and special events to students relaxing on Landis Green and action shots of athletics contests. Some notable items in the collection include prints from the Flying High Circus, Homecoming, and various theatrical performances. In addition, a series dedicated to buildings, faculty, and university presidents help give a complete view of what campus was like at any decade.


Andrews Brothers, undated.


Additionally, some images from the collection have been scanned and entered into FSU’s Digital Repository, Diginole.

The Flying Circus, undated.

For more information about Heritage & University Archives and the Florida State University Historic Photograph Collection, please contact Sandra Varry at or visit

Truth, Lies & Videotape: Digital Video Archivists Gather at MoMA

We live in a video age. Make that a digital video age. And all those digital video files flying around on the internet or downloaded onto your phone not only provide entertainment or inspiration to current viewers, but could be one of the best windows into our world for future historians. However, files designed to capitalize on the ever-changing whims of digital distribution may not be built for longevity, so archivists worry about their ability to stand as historical artifacts for the long term. Many of those archivists are part of an organization called The Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA), which held its annual Digital Asset Symposium (DAS) on June 6, 2018 at the Museum of Modern Art.

As the name suggests, DAS examines the shared challenges of managing and preserving digital media content across different sectors. The one-day conference assembles content creators, system designers, archivists, editors, and asset managers to compare experiences, share expertise, and offer creative solutions. Through a combination of case studies, key notes, and panels, DAS examines the full lifecycle of digital content.

DAS 2018 focused on the story of media assets—how they are created, maintained, shared, managed, and assembled to form the stories about the human condition. The program also highlighted the emergence of data science in the field: indeed, the conference started with a thought-provoking keynote called “Truth is a Lie,” in which data scientist Lora Aroyo and research scientist Chris Welty examined the concept of truth as not a single notion but a spectrum of opinions, perspectives, and context. Aroyo and Welty pointed out that data analysis often yields ambiguity and contradictions —so, instead of embracing a binary yes/no approach, they advocate the use quantum intelligence (based on the principles of quantum mechanics) as a new way of analyzing data. The goal is to create descriptions of online AV collections that incorporate a spectrum of truth.

Following that mind-expansive talk was a presentation from Nicole Martin of Human Rights Watch, an organization that has pioneered the use of video footage to highlight worldwide human rights abuses. In “Archiving Human Rights Video,” Martin discussed how daily production demands are balanced with the organization’s critical need to preserve evidentiary data. She discussed how the production team embraced digital preservation best practices to make its day-to-day tasks easier, while likely helping the relevance and longevity of these very significant documents. Later, Gian Klobusicky and Dalia R. Levine from HBO and metadata architect Sally Hubbard explored the relationship between information science and data science in “Smart Stacking of Data and Information Science.” The panel outlined how these two disciplines can partner together to solve problems that arise when dealing with media content.

The afternoon featured two cases studies. In “Bringing a Century of NHL Content to Life,” the director of the NHL’s Digital Asset Archive Dan Piro recounted the challenge of digitizing the NHL’s entire archive (250,000 hours of AV content, a half-million still images, and over a million documents) in 18 months (!) so that it could be used to create content celebrating the league’s centennial. That was followed by a look at the very high-tech Montreux Jazz Digital Project in “Object Storage and the Modern Media Archive,” in which Dr. Alain Dufaux, described the collaboration between the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland and the Claude Nobs Foundation The project includes over 5,000 hours of broadcast-quality live concert footage preserved digitally and transformed into an archive of “raw material,” which the university’s “Metamedia Center” uses to create such slick projects as its Jazz Heritage Lab.

Finally, the session wrapped with a special keynote panel called “The Making of Netflix’s Bobby Kennedy for President.” On the 50th anniversary of the death of Robert Kennedy, four key members of the production team discussed how this four-part documentary series came together. Led by moderator Matthew White, co-producer of The Beatles: Eight Days a Week, the panel traced the collaboration between the director, editor, and producers: how they sourced new archival material, how the search for this material served as inspiration, and how large-scale documentary series are performing critical preservation functions.

It was a fitting finale for a one-day conference that seemed to span continents, as well as the fruitful interrelations between science and art, politics and personal responsibility, and —especially— past and future.


International Archives Day

On Saturday, June 9, the National Archives joins with archives around the world to celebrate International Archives Day, a commemoration of the day the International Council on Archives (ICA) was created in 1948. This day is dedicated to promoting the great work of archives and archivists in preserving and providing public access to our communities’ historical records and promoting access to government records for transparency and accountability.

The National Archives is an active participant in the ICA. I am proud to stand beside our colleagues in the worldwide archival profession as we share and learn from each other, address common issues, and promote the value of archives and their importance to our society and democracy.

On International Archives Day, archives all over the world host special events to show off their collections or the work that they do, and share stories with each other and with fans of archives worldwide. You can see an interactive world map of International Archives Day events on the International Council on Archives website, along with a special online exhibition highlighting the history and activities of the ICA from 1948 to 2018.

Join the National Archives in this worldwide celebration for a special event in Washington, DC this Saturday, June 9, 2018, from 10:00am to 5:30pm. There will be hands-on activities in the Boeing Learning Center exploring the work of the National Archives and some of the important records protected here. Peruse the National Archives Museum and see some of the ways that American Memory is protected for current and future generations. This event is free and open to the public.

You can learn more about the history of International Archives Day and the involvement of the National Archives on our Pieces of History blog. We look forward to welcoming you at the National Archives Museum on June 9.

Recording Destruction

The Digital Library Center has been working with the FSU Department of Anthropology for several years now to digitize the materials created at the Windover dig site. We’re nearing the light at the end of the tunnel! However, as I loaded the last of the unit excavation forms, I realized something. I had absolutely no idea what these forms were! So, I sent off an email to Dr. Geoffrey Thomas for some clarification.

To start with, and something that I have never really thought about is that Archeology, the act of excavating, is an act of destruction. If they’re doing their jobs right, at the end of the dig, the site no longer exists. So, the hundreds of forms (For the Windover dig, over 600!), called Unit Excavation Forms, are used to record exactly what the archeologists were seeing as they dug the site. The site itself is divided into squares on a grid with each square having specific coordinates within the grid. Each form then corresponds to a specific square, or as they are called, unit.

Per Dr. Thomas, Unit Excavation forms’ primary role then, is to record the process of removal, layer by layer in each unit. Each form is labeled with information like the site name/number, the coordinates of the unit, the unit number that corresponds with a location on the grid, people working on that unit, and the level (depth) of the excavation. The workers then excavate in 10cm levels (ground – 10cm below surface = level 1) and so on to 90-100 cms = level 10. Each and every artifact is recorded as it is found and the workers make sure to mark the location within the unit, depth, and type of artifacts discovered. So, the unit forms and each level gets a form, then tell us what was found and where.

A Unit Excavation Form from Lot No. 1 at Windover during the 1984 season
A Unit Excavation Form from Lot No. 1 at Windover during the 1984 season [see all forms from Lot No. 1]

You stop digging in a unit when you hit a “sterile” layer, or after you have not hit new artifacts for a few levels. You then close that unit and start on a new one. After completion of a dig, the Unit Excavation Forms can be used to reconstruct each unit so that future researchers know where certain artifacts were found and in what context they belong within the dig site.

Pretty cool right? I also asked Dr. Thomas to think about what people will be able to learn now that these forms are online. Having the forms for the Windover dig online allows researchers and people interested in archaeology to gain information on, not only the process of archaeology but the specifics of the Windover site. If someone is interested in a particular burial and would like to find out the context of the burial (for example individual 90,  a subadult with a large number of grave goods), Dr. Thomas, or the patron themselves, could look up burial 90 and have the excavation forms for that unit. This will allow Dr. Thomas and the researcher to see the position of the body and locations of each artifact in the burial, along with any pictures of the burial site if any exist. This will hopefully greatly increase the amount of interpretive power we have for examining the remains and the way they were treated at death.

Now that we know what they are, enjoy browsing through and getting a picture of the Windover site from the unit excavation forms. You will also find field notes and photographs as part of the larger Windover collection. Happy “digging”!

Note: We are in the process of digitizing and loading x-rays and photographs of burials at the Windover site. However, due to the nature of that material and NAGPRA guidelines, those materials will be in collections with restricted access. Look soon for instructions on how to apply to use these types of materials for research in DigiNole.

Andrea Gibson and Pride Month at FSU

Happy Pride Month, Noles! This month, people across the world are commemorating the Stonewall riots of 1969 by rejoicing in the wide spectrum of gender identities and sexual preferences represented in humankind.

To celebrate, I went digging for poetry in our Pride Student Union Records, part of the Heritage and University Archives. I came across evidence of FSU’s past celebrations of Pride month (June) and LGBT History month (October, as National Coming Out Day is October 11th).

Pride Month poster from the past

Additionally, I found this poster signed by Andrea Gibson, poet extraordinaire and LGBTQ+ activist, who visited and performed at Florida State University in April of 2012.

Andrea Gibson poster, signed

Gibson is brilliant enough on paper, but their pieces are best consumed aurally, as the FSU students in 2012 had a chance to do; YouTube videos, fortunately, abound! Here is the love poem “Maybe I Need You”:

Andrea’s voice is one of hope and community, reminding readers and listeners that they are not alone in their feelings or experiences. I leave you with another example of Andrea’s stirring work, which pairs poetry to music and creates a moving, motivating portrait of a young person discovering who they are and who they want to be.

Check out FSU’s Pride Student Union, still in action since its beginning back in 1969 and still hosting on-campus events: 

And to you and yours: HAPPY PRIDE!

Creative Fellow Becci Davis Performs “Private Proclamations” on June 9

After nearly 8 months of research, planning, story-collecting, writing, and interdisciplinary art-making, PPL’s 2018 Creative Fellow Becci Davis has created a multi-part performance entitled “Private Proclamations.”

Private Proclamations

Please join us for Becci’s culminating performance next Saturday, June 9, 2018 at 2:30 pm as part of PVDFest. The performance will be outdoors, on the library’s Washington Street steps (near the historic entrance); it’s free of charge and open to the public, and no advance registration is required. In the words of the artist, “Private Proclamations is a performance about Black hair in three parts. Part One: Letters to my Locks establishes a level of intimacy between the performer and audience. In Part Two: Act It Loud, appropriate private behavior in public spaces is redefined through defiance. Part Three: Please Touch presents an invitation for change through collective action.”

Parking downtown will likely be tricky, as PVDFest brings numerous street closures and large crowds. Read more about parking and public transportation options on the PVDFest FAQ’s page.

Becci will also give an artist’s talk at the library about her process and her performance on the following Wednesday, June 13. We look forward to seeing you there!

Memorizing Math with Marmaduke Multiply

Poetry has, traditionally, served as an excellent way to remember things. The human brain just seems to better retain information that rhymes, and a rhythmic quality can bring the words to mind in an instant.

Lines that are intended to aid in memorization are called mnemonic verses, and we use them on a daily basis. Think of when you try to determine how many days are in a month: “Thirty days hath September…” Or when you consider how “neither” should be spelled: “I before E except after C…” Is that snake in your yard friend or foe? “Red on black, friend of Jack…”

There are even longer mnemonic verses for memorizing heftier material. For example, this witty little song for the history of the monarchy in England (sung to the tune of Good King Wenceslas):

Willie, Willie, Harry, Stee,
Harry, Dick, John, Harry three;
One, two, three Neds, Richard two
Harrys four, five, six... then who?
Edwards four, five, Dick the bad,
Harrys twain and Ned the Lad;
Mary, Bessie, James the Vain,
Charlie, Charlie, James again...
William and Mary, Anna Gloria,
Four Georges, William and Victoria;
Edward seven next, and then
George the fifth in 1910;
Ned the eighth soon abdicated
Then George the sixth was coronated;
After which Elizabeth
And that's the end until her death.
–Wikipedia, “Mnemonic verses of monarchs in England”

The little book from Special Collections that I’m sharing today is Marmaduke Multiply’s Merry Method of Making Minor Mathematicians of 1841. We have a facsimile of the work, which was a favorite among nineteenth-century schoolchildren for memorizing their numbers.

Originally published in 1816 and 1817, the book was largely popular in the UK, but it spread to the US toward the later half of the nineteenth century. The book has funny little woodcuts depicting various scenes and then a rhyming verse that helps the reader remember their times tables. Here are a few examples:

4 times 8 are 32, I once could dance as well as you.


6 times 8 are 48. Dear Aunt, your dress is out of date.


6 times 9 are 54. My little boat has come ashore.

Some of the most beautiful woodcut work appears on the borders. Here is close up of the corner piece on that last one:

Detail image of a corner woodcut.

Finally, my favorite page shows a child holding a book just like the one the image appears in! It also mentions the bookshop that sold Marmaduke Multiply’s Merry Method of Making Minor Mathematicians, which happened to be financially linked to the publishing house that produced the book (talk about savvy marketing!):

A little metatextual advertising!

What rhymes do you remember from childhood?


Marmaduke Multiply’s Merry Method of Making Minor Mathematicians. New York: Dover Publications, 1972. Print.

18th Annual Archivist’s Achievement Awards

Today and every day we celebrate the dedication and hard work of our staff and colleagues at the National Archives. Since 1985, the first full week of May has been set aside as Public Service Recognition Week to honor the men and women who serve our nation as federal, state, county, and local government employees. It provides a fitting time to not only celebrate the contributions of National Archives staff but also the contributions of the entire federal workforce.

This year, we decided to expand to a whole Public Service Recognition Month, allowing us both to participate in the nationwide events and to honor service to the American public with the due measure it deserves. Earlier this week, we celebrated with the 18th Annual Archivist’s Achievement Awards ceremony, which gives me the opportunity to thank our staff for their passion and dedication to serving NARA’s mission and the American people.

During the ceremony, we once again gave our customers a chance to sing the praises of our employees. Almost every day I receive comments praising the work of NARA staff. We were able to incorporate some of these statements into the awards program to hear directly from the people who benefit from the great work that we do:

We had 72 nominations for awards this year. This Archivist’s Achievement Awards ceremony is an opportunity to acknowledge our colleagues who dedicate their time and talents to make the National Archives a great place to work, and recognize colleagues who went above and beyond expectations and succeeded in ways not intended.

This past year, staff across the National Archives scanned many pages for the National Archives Catalog, provided great customer service to House and Senate staffs, moved lots of Obama Presidential Materials, digitized and made available hundreds of reels of World War I and World War II footage, cultivated public participation through social media, assisted Puerto Rico’s archives and cultural institutions in their post-hurricane recovery, modernized the General Records Schedule, and developed and produced the Declarations@NPRC newsletter, providing essential communications to the employee community. And these are just a few examples! You can learn more about these incredible accomplishments in the awards program.

The Archivist’s Awards Ceremony is important to me. This event honors the remarkable work that happens at this agency every single day. And it gives me the opportunity to highlight some of the amazing accomplishments and the chance to say thank you. As I said to the staff at the ceremony: you are the most dedicated group of people. You take tremendous pride in the work you do, and rightfully so. And I am proud of what you do each and every day.

Thank you for your service, and Happy Public Service Recognition Month.


BC Gay and Lesbian Archives donated to the City of Vancouver Archives!

We are thrilled to announce that the BC Gay and Lesbian Archives, a collection established and maintained privately from 1976-2018, has been donated in its entirety to the City of Vancouver Archives.

Anti-violence rally, 1979. BCGLA Photographs series

The BC Gay and Lesbian Archives was established in 1976 by Ron Dutton, an active, longtime member of the Vancouver LGBTQ2+ community who is also trained as a librarian. For over forty years, Dutton acquired and described records, photographs, periodicals, ephemera, and audiovisual materials of significance to the LGBTQ2+ community in Vancouver and British Columbia, and provided access to these materials from his home to hundreds of researchers. Concerned with the future of the BCGLA as he ages, Dutton donated the entire collection to the City of Vancouver Archives (CVA) in February 2018.

The collection consists of:

  • 16.4 metres of subject files
  • 8.6 metres of periodicals
  • 2000 posters
  • 7500 photographs
  • 220 moving image recordings
  • 60 sound recordings

Just a few of the many VHS videotapes in the BCGLA collection

The content includes:

  • video documentation of charity drag balls
  • extensive photo documentation of Pride Festivals from 1981 to 2009
  • textual, photographic, and video materials related to HIV/AIDS activism
  • subject files pertaining to such wide-ranging topics as art, immigration, censorship, gender identity, hate crimes, health services, religion, sports, and youth activism

Items from the subject file Age and aging – associations. Reference code: AM1675-S1-F0017

Dutton is a forward-thinking and inclusive collector who consciously sought to acquire materials representing a broad range of LGBTQ2+ experiences, identities, and activities. As such, the collection encompasses materials that reflect the diversity within the LGBTQ2+ community, including:

  • First Nations drag performers and HIV/AIDS activists
  • LGBTQ2+ community seniors
  • Transgender activists
  • Youth groups
  • LGBTQ2+ religious groups across a range of traditions

International Women’s Day march, 1993. BCGLA Photographs series

In speaking of his donation, Dutton says:

The BC Gay and Lesbian Archives was founded in 1976 to collect, organize, preserve and make publicly accessible the ongoing stories of Vancouver’s gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered and two-spirited communities, from earliest historical times to the present. In these 42 years, hundreds of researchers have passed through my home as they examined this ever-expanding collection. At 3/4 million items, it has now outgrown my ability to house it all.

I am thrilled that the BCG+L Archives now resides with the City Archives. The Archives has the technical resources and sympathetic staff needed to sensitively manage this collection, ensure its preservation, and position it within the context of the city’s overall history.  I intend to continue collecting both old and new materials that document my community’s evolution, for deposit at the City Archives.

We are honoured that Ron Dutton has chosen the City Archives as the permanent home for his collection. Not only does the collection reflect the diversity within the LGBTQ2+ community and its evolution over the past 40 years, it documents a community whose lives and activities have historically been underrepresented in archival holdings.

1987 International Lesbian Week, held in Vancouver. BCGLA Photographs series

Currently, all 2,181 subject files have been described in our database and are available to the public in the Archives’ Reading Room; periodicals are in process will be available by the fall. We are also in the process of seeking funding to describe and digitize the photographs and audiovisual materials in order to enable them to be discovered and used by researchers around the world, supporting the study of LGBTQ2+ history in Vancouver and beyond.

Paris is Always a Good Idea (in stereoscope!)

The Digital Library Center has been working with the Art History department for a few years now to digitize and make available a collection of stereographs. While the collection is wide-ranging in its topics, its main focus is on Paris and her environs just prior to “Haussmannization,” or a series of public works projects led by Georges-Eugène Haussmann, which redesigned Paris in many ways. We recently loaded a new set of materials into this collection and wanted to share a few in this set that have the added bonus of color!

Vue dans Le Bois de Boulogne a Paris, ca. 1850-1900
Vue dans Le Bois de Boulogne a Paris, ca. 1850-1900

A former hunting ground of the French Kings, Bois de Boulogne is a large public park on the outskirts of the 16th arrondissement of Paris. It was created as part of Haussmann’s work for Napoleon III who had been impressed by Hyde Park in London during his exile and wanted to include more public parks in his reimagining of Paris (Wikipedia).

St. Cloud-Cascades, Parc de Saint-Cloud, ca. 1850-1900
St. Cloud-Cascades, Parc de Saint-Cloud, ca. 1850-1900

Parc de Saint-Cloud is now considered one of the most beautiful gardens in Europe. On the outskirts of Paris, it was once home to the Château de Saint-Cloud. However, the castle was destroyed during Napoleon III’s war with the Prussians and completely razed in 1892 (Wikipedia). The cascade featured in this stereograph no longer exists; if you visit the park today, you would see waterfalls, but none in the design of the original castle.

Arc de Triomphe, 1850-1900
Arc de Triomphe, 1850-1900

L’Arc de Triomphe needs no introduction. She has stood proudly in Paris’s Place de l’étoile since 1836. Wanted by Napoleon in 1806, the Arc de Triomphe was inaugurated by the French king, Louis-Philippe, who dedicated it to the armies of the Revolution and the Empire (City of Paris).

You may click on any of the links with the images to see larger, zoomable versions and be sure to browse the John House Stereograph Collection for over 1200 stereograph images of Paris between 1850 and 1900.

The Architecture of the Archive project

Damien Hassan
Wednesday, May 30, 2018 – 13:35

Earlier this year, the SRO entered into a new collaborative project with the University of Western Australia’s School of Design. Intrigued by the type of records held in the State Archives Collection, and the challenges in storing, preserving and making accessible our State’s official archives, UWA Lecturer Mark Sawyer suggested using the SRO as a “case study” and to have his first year architecture students develop proposed designs for a new SRO Search Room.  This type of architectural modelling is a key requirement for architecture students as part of their course work. For the SRO case study, students were provided with a diverse range of examples of State archives which have unique needs or which may be difficult to access properly without the right kind of infrastructure.

For example, how would you read all the signatures in this 1928 Petition for hotels to close at 6pm unless you had the space or the right infrastructure to do so? The Petition measures over 20 metres long. Or, how do we address the needs to store and make accessible 3D models of government buildings that by their nature are very large items, intended for inspection and public display, but which also have unique long-term preservation requirements?

During the semester, the UWA students have been examining these sorts of problems and developing their own ideas how they can be resolved from an architectural point of view, as well as how a new, modern Search Room would look and operate for the 21st Century. While the student designs are purely speculative, this case study does give the students first-hand experience with working with a client (in this case, the SRO) and thinking through specific design elements and build proposals to meet very particular needs.

In April, the SRO participated in a mini symposium held at UWA in which the students presented their work to date. This was a fantastic opportunity to see how a group of creative and enthusiastic people – our future architects! – have approached the design challenges presented to them. Students spoke about their models and how they have approached the task. For the SRO, it was an opportunity to rethink how public access to State archives could be delivered and to be presented with ideas outside of the box (both figuratively and literally – commercial archive boxes were used by the students in constructing their Search Room models).

A range of guest speakers from UWA and the SRO also presented at this symposium. It was very enlightening to hear how those heavily engaged in architectural theory and practice are using government archives to support their research and work.

The SRO is very pleased to be a partner in this project and to support the student’s work which will be completed this semester. We will provide a recap of the project later in 2018 when the student design work is completed.

The Architecture of the Archive project

Damien Hassan
Wednesday, May 30, 2018 – 13:35

Earlier this year, the SRO entered into a new collaborative project with the University of Western Australia’s School of Design. Intrigued by the type of records held in the State Archives Collection, and the challenges in storing, preserving and making accessible our State’s official archives, UWA Lecturer Mark Sawyer suggested using the SRO as a “case study” and to have his first year architecture students develop proposed designs for a new SRO Search Room.  This type of architectural modelling is a key requirement for architecture students as part of their course work. For the SRO case study, students were provided with a diverse range of examples of State archives which have unique needs or which may be difficult to access properly without the right kind of infrastructure.

For example, how would you read all the signatures in this 1928 Petition for hotels to close at 6pm unless you had the space or the right equipment to do so? The Petition measures over 20 metres long. Or, how do we address the needs to store and make accessible 3D models of government buildings that by their nature are very large items, intended for inspection and public display, but which also have unique long-term preservation requirements?

During the semester, the UWA students have been examining these sorts of problems and developing their own ideas how they can be resolved from an architectural point of view, as well as how a new, modern Search Room would look and operate for the 21st Century. While the student designs are purely speculative, this case study does give the students first-hand experience with working with a client (in this case, the SRO) and thinking through specific design elements and build proposals to meet very particular needs.

In April, the SRO participated in a mini symposium held at UWA in which the students presented their work to date. This was a fantastic opportunity to see how a group of creative and enthusiastic people – our future architects – have approached the design challenges presented to them. Students spoke about their models and how they have approached the task. For the SRO, it was an opportunity to rethink how public access to State archives could be delivered and to be presented with ideas outside of the box (both figuratively and literally – commercial archive boxes were used by the students in constructing their Search Room models).

A range of guest speakers from UWA and the SRO also presented at this symposium. It was very enlightening to hear how those heavily engaged in architectural theory and practice are using government archives to support their research and work.

The SRO is very pleased to be a partner in this project and to support the student’s work which will be completed this semester. We will provide a recap of the project later in 2018 when the student design work is completed.

History Hub: A 21st Century Model for Archival Reference

When the National Archives launched History Hub in January 2016, we hoped it would be a game-changing way to provide access to information and diverse sources of expertise.  I’m pleased to share that what started out as an experimental project has become an active community of researchers and experts.

The idea for History Hub began with research into how organizations can best communicate with and serve their audiences. We discovered that our customers expect instantaneous feedback, self-service information retrieval, and personalized interactions with organizations. We were inspired by the success that technology companies have had with online support communities; these platforms invite connections between staff, customers, and enthusiasts who bring their own expertise to the forum. In a resource-constrained environment, we were also excited by the possibility of enabling many-to-many interactions, helping us to serve researchers more quickly and efficiently by harnessing the collective knowledge of internal and external experts.  Informed by these insights and models, the National Archives decided to launch History Hub (, a crowdsourcing platform for people interested in researching history.  History Hub offers tools like discussion boards, blogs, and community pages to bring together experts and researchers interested in American history.

History Hub homepage

Homepage of History Hub,

We like to think of History Hub as both a community and an interactive knowledge base that scales and improves in quality over time.  Through History Hub, we aim to facilitate historical research, connect with audiences, enable contributions from people with a variety of expertise, and ultimately improve customer service to researchers.

So, how is our experiment paying off? History Hub has seen a steady increase in traffic and activity since launch, enabling continued growth of the knowledge base that powers the platform. With additional organizations coming on board to participate and provide expertise—and with search engines driving new visits as new questions are asked and are answered—History Hub is showing the potential to reach and serve millions of people per year. Here’s what has happened on History Hub since January 2016:

  • Questions asked: 968
  • Answers posted: 1,068
  • Registered users: 4,355
  • Unique visitors: 71,275
  • Pageviews: 3,811,702

This project is a collaboration across the National Archives, with leadership from our Research Services staff, the Office of Innovation, and IT. Our reference staff are excited by the potential of the platform as well as the opportunity to collaborate more closely with peer institutions. On History Hub, our staff have answered research questions alongside knowledgeable people outside of the National Archives, including citizen historians, scholars, and experts at other cultural organizations. For example, the Library of Congress has come together with NARA staff to provide researchers with more complete answers about their questions related to the 1895 Atlanta Exposition, the Revolutionary War, and Thomas Jefferson’s papers. In other cases, genealogists have assisted others researching their own family history and citizen historians collaborated to identify and interpret a servicemember’s insignia (note: this discussion was one of them most popular in the last year). We are really pleased to see evidence of this kind of many-to-many communication, which is a critical supplement to the one-to-one support the National Archives offers through phone, email, and research visits.  We’re excited to see how History Hub grows and what it will teach us about how archives can provide great reference services in the digital age.

Have you tried History Hub yet? Here are some tips for getting started:

Give it a try and let us know what you think!

Desaparecidas 4 Constituciones originales del Congreso del Perú

Cuatro Constituciones del Perú originales se esfumaron del archivo del Congreso y nadie sabe dónde están

Así lo denunció el congresista Víctor Andrés García Belaunde, que dijo que la más importante de las cuatro autógrafas es una de del año 1823, que fue la que hizo República a nuestro país después de la Guerra de la Independencia.

Cuatro de las 12 Constituciones del Perú, originales y escritas a mano, no se encuentran en el archivo del Congreso de la República y han sido reportadas como desaparecidas, denunció el legislador Víctor Andrés García Belaunde .

En declaraciones a Canal N, el parlamentario de Acción Popular indicó que “no se sabe dónde están” estas cartas magnas, “Se han perdido, se las han robado, o de repente están en otra parte y no sabemos”, añadió.

De las cuatro, precisó Víctor Andrés García Belaunde , la más importante es la Constitución inicial del Perú, del año 1823, la primera y “que es la que da origen a todo, la que nos hace República después de la Guerra de la Independencia”.

“Esa autógrafa no está y debería estar en el archivo del Parlamento”, agregó el legislador, que dijo que las otras tres Constituciones cuyo paradero se desconocen son la de Simón Bolívar (1827), la de 1828 y la aprobada por el Congreso General de Huancayo en 1839.

En ese sentido, Víctor Andrés García Belaunde sostuvo que el personal del archivo del Congreso de la República tampoco supo darle razón sobre estas cuatro Constituciones aparentemente perdidas.

“No se sabe desde cuándo no están, ni desde cuándo se dieron cuenta porque recién cuando yo he preguntado por ellas y he revisado, me han dicho que no hay, que van a sacar duplicados. Sí pues, pero no hay original, no hay”, manifestó García Belaunde .

Agregó que se le mencionó la intención de restaurar las Constituciones del 93 y del 79 pese a que son “relativamente nuevos”, algo que indica que “no hay buena conservación” de este tipo de documentos “tan importantes para un país”.

“Hay 30 personas en el archivo que gastan más que la Comisión Lava Jato y no están los resultados. No hay inventario, no se sabe lo que hay, no se sabe lo que se ha perdido, no se sabe nada de nada”, indicó el congresista.

“Hay que hacer un trabajo profesional técnico, con gente que sepa de archivos, de documentos, con historiadores”, finalizó.

“Primer curso-taller de Archivología y Conservación de Archivos Históricos”

Comenzó el “Primer curso-taller de Archivología y Conservación de Archivos Históricos”

El acto de lanzamiento de la iniciativa tuvo lugar en el Centro Cultural Mercedes Sosa, ubicado en avenida Roca y Marina Alfaro, frente a plazoleta Dorrego, con la presencia del secretario de Gobierno, Walter Berarducci, la subsecretaria de Cultura y Deportes, Norma Torossi y el coordinador del Archivo Municipal, César Álvarez.

“El intendente Germán Alfaro busca contribuir con la conservación de los archivos históricos y administrativos de San Miguel de Tucumán ya que este curso brindará a los vecinos técnicas y conocimientos sobre la archivología”, explicó Berarducci. El funcionario destacó el hecho de que “el 70% de los participantes son jóvenes, lo cual demuestra el compromiso que tiene nuestra juventud de conocer el pasado a través de la documentación que se encuentra en los archivos y así poder colaborar con la construcción de la identidad de San Miguel de Tucumán”.

Por su parte, Álvarez resaltó la importancia de esta iniciativa municipal que apunta a “la capacitación de los vecinos sobre la preservación de documentos históricos”.

Cabe destacar que la capacitación, a cargo de la especialista en Archivística y Conservación Noemí Farfán, continuará este miércoles y el jueves, de 9 a 13, en el Centro Cultural Mercedes Sosa.

Seminario “Gestión Documental en los Archivos”

Capacitación en Gestión Documental en los Archivos

En esta ocasión, 46 colaboradores de diferentes instituciones, participaron del seminario “Gestión Documental en los Archivos” y como facilitadora contamos con la presencia de la magister Malvina González Quintero, jefe del Departamento de Archivología del Benemérito Cuerpo de Bomberos de Panamá.

“Estamos viviendo tiempos en los cuales a los archivos les toca convivir con lo digital y lo analógico, es por eso que el archivo electrónico es de gran utilidad, y necesidad, en estos tiempos en los cuales la generación de documentos en formato digital crece de manera constante”.
¿Qué es la gestión documental? es el conjunto de normas técnicas y prácticas usadas para administrar los documentos de todo tipo, recibidos y creados en una organización, facilitar la recuperación de información desde ellos, determinar el tiempo que los documentos deben guardarse, eliminar los que ya no sirven y asegurar la conservación a largo plazo de los documentos más valiosos, aplicando principios de racionalización y economía.
De igual manera, podemos indicar que existen cinco sistemas de archivos utilizados en su momento para realizar el trabajo con un expediente o documento, entre los cuales se encuentran los siguientes: alfabéticos, numéricos, alfa numéricos, provinciales y por asunto.
Los servidores públicos deben mantenerse actualizados sobre la gestión documental de los archivos, de manera que estos conocimientos adquiridos les permitan realizar la debida organización y archivo de la documentación que se recibe, procesa y tramita en su institución, con la finalidad de tener un mejor funcionamiento y ordenamiento de los datos.