19th Century Spiritualism and Radical Thought

A recent researcher’s request led me to a small collection of rare 19th Century American Spiritualist publications in our holdings.

PositiveThinker_1878Nov.compressed_Page_1Spiritualism, simply defined as talking with the dead or communicating with spirits, grew in popularity in the second half of the 19th Century.  In contrast to popular congregational American religions of the day, Spiritualism emphasized the individual’s unique relationship to the divine, decentralizing spiritual communication and challenging religious authority.  This rejection of the spiritual hierarchy so common in mainstream religions, naturally fostered and appealed to an anti-authoritarian spirit in its practitioners.  With the emphasis on the individual spirit and the divinity of every human soul, the Spiritualist movement drew progressive political and social activists advocating for the rights of all humans, including the abolition of slavery and women’s rights.

SpiritVoices_1885_January Sower_1891_Dec.compressed_Page_01


Ann Braude, author of Radical Spirits: Spiritualism and Women’s Rights in Nineteenth-Century America, writes about the impact the Spiritualist movement had on social change and 19th Century print culture:

“Spiritualists’ advocacy of unpopular causes as well as their individualism made them staunch advocates of a free press. They perpetuated the Garrisonian tradition of viewing the columns of newspapers as an open forum for discussion and free inquiry. The movement was determined to provide ‘a Free Platform…for all those who desire to give utterance to the burning thoughts that well up in their inmost souls as the highest conception of the truth’ (Banner of Light, 26 July 1862). This zeal to allow all human thoughts to be aired, no matter how unconventional, encouraged editors to accommodate a broad range of political positions. In addition to abolition and woman’s rights, various Spiritualist periodicals espoused free love, socialism, marriage reform, children’s rights, health reform, dress reform, and vegetarianism. The advocacy of so many ‘isms’ made editors feel a certain urgency about the need for their publications, and getting out a paper in itself assumed the status of a reform activity. S.S. Jones, the editor of the Religio-Philosophical Journal, viewed the press as a powerful instrument of reform. He told Spiritualists that ‘the most potent means in their power to accomplish…the elevation of human character and the alleviation of the downfallen and the oppressed everywhere…is found in the printing press’(Banner of Light, 3 March 1865, p.3).”  News from the Spirit World (PDF), 1990.

Rostrum_1869_August.compressed_Page_01 Pages from SpiritualMonthly_1871Jan










One article in The Kingdom of Heaven, published in Syracuse, NY January 1874, titled “Spiritualism and Revolution” expresses some of the radical ideals of the movement: “Revolution signifies change. And spiritualism, which is far more than the mere manifestations and raps of individualized spirits…has come to revolutionize all the unjust and unequal institutions of man—to equalize and harmonize all man’s relations with man.” This article calls for the revolution to “rid the world of religion, and human governments, and all institutions that are founded in force and monopoly.”

Kingdom_1874_JanuaryDue to the decentralized nature of 19th Century Spiritualism and Spiritualist publications, it is difficult to find full runs of these often short-lived publications.  The Amherst College Archives & Special Collections holds single or multiple issues of The Wise-Man, Banner of Light, Positive Thinker, The Progressive Age, Spiritual Rostrum, The Sower, and more.  You can locate these publications in our online library catalog with the subject heading “Spiritualism — Periodicals.”

Philomathean_1875_May These pamphlets, magazines, and newspapers document a significant period in American religious history, as well as illustrate the expansion of American political thought. The publications in our collection provide insight into the dovetailing of Spiritualism and the growing advocacy for human rights in 19th Century America.

19th Century Spiritualism and Radical Thought

A recent researcher’s request led me to a small collection of rare 19th Century American Spiritualist publications in our holdings.

PositiveThinker_1878Nov.compressed_Page_1Spiritualism, simply defined as talking with the dead or communicating with spirits, grew in popularity in the second half of the 19th Century.  In contrast to popular congregational American religions of the day, Spiritualism emphasized the individual’s unique relationship to the divine, decentralizing spiritual communication and challenging religious authority.  This rejection of the spiritual hierarchy so common in mainstream religions, naturally fostered and appealed to an anti-authoritarian spirit in its practitioners.  With the emphasis on the individual spirit and the divinity of every human soul, the Spiritualist movement drew progressive political and social activists advocating for the rights of all humans, including the abolition of slavery and women’s rights.

SpiritVoices_1885_January Sower_1891_Dec.compressed_Page_01


Ann Braude, author of Radical Spirits: Spiritualism and Women’s Rights in Nineteenth-Century America, writes about the impact the Spiritualist movement had on social change and 19th Century print culture:

“Spiritualists’ advocacy of unpopular causes as well as their individualism made them staunch advocates of a free press. They perpetuated the Garrisonian tradition of viewing the columns of newspapers as an open forum for discussion and free inquiry. The movement was determined to provide ‘a Free Platform…for all those who desire to give utterance to the burning thoughts that well up in their inmost souls as the highest conception of the truth’ (Banner of Light, 26 July 1862). This zeal to allow all human thoughts to be aired, no matter how unconventional, encouraged editors to accommodate a broad range of political positions. In addition to abolition and woman’s rights, various Spiritualist periodicals espoused free love, socialism, marriage reform, children’s rights, health reform, dress reform, and vegetarianism. The advocacy of so many ‘isms’ made editors feel a certain urgency about the need for their publications, and getting out a paper in itself assumed the status of a reform activity. S.S. Jones, the editor of the Religio-Philosophical Journal, viewed the press as a powerful instrument of reform. He told Spiritualists that ‘the most potent means in their power to accomplish…the elevation of human character and the alleviation of the downfallen and the oppressed everywhere…is found in the printing press’(Banner of Light, 3 March 1865, p.3).”  News from the Spirit World (PDF), 1990.

Rostrum_1869_August.compressed_Page_01 Pages from SpiritualMonthly_1871Jan










One article in The Kingdom of Heaven, published in Syracuse, NY January 1874, titled “Spiritualism and Revolution” expresses some of the radical ideals of the movement: “Revolution signifies change. And spiritualism, which is far more than the mere manifestations and raps of individualized spirits…has come to revolutionize all the unjust and unequal institutions of man—to equalize and harmonize all man’s relations with man.” This article calls for the revolution to “rid the world of religion, and human governments, and all institutions that are founded in force and monopoly.”

Kingdom_1874_JanuaryDue to the decentralized nature of 19th Century Spiritualism and Spiritualist publications, it is difficult to find full runs of these often short-lived publications.  The Amherst College Archives & Special Collections holds single or multiple issues of The Wise-Man, Banner of Light, Positive Thinker, The Progressive Age, Spiritual Rostrum, The Sower, and more.  You can locate these publications in our online library catalog with the subject heading “Spiritualism — Periodicals.”

Philomathean_1875_May These pamphlets, magazines, and newspapers document a significant period in American religious history, as well as illustrate the expansion of American political thought. The publications in our collection provide insight into the dovetailing of Spiritualism and the growing advocacy for human rights in 19th Century America.

Rare Books 101

So, what are rare books exactly? Your first thought might be something like this:


Handsome, leather bound volumes that look old and valuable. To be sure, we’ve got a lot of books that look like this in Special Collections & Archives. Our rare books collections cover the spectrum, starting with the origins: fragments of papyrus and cuneiform tablets that represent the beginning of written history. There are medieval manuscripts written by hand on vellum, ranging in size from a tiny fragment from a hand-held Book of Hours to massive antiphonals used by monks for chanting prayers. Following the advent of printing in the Western world in the mid-15th century, we have a page from the Gutenberg Bible and several incunabula (books printed in the first half-century after the invention of movable type). Our holdings from sixteenth through early-nineteenth centuries offer researchers countless examples of books from the hand-press era, when every book was essentially an individual work of craftsmanship.

But sometimes, rare books look like this:


Some books are mass-produced works of popular culture. And these books are important too! For the savvy researcher, any of the rare books in our collections can tell a story about the time period and culture in which they were created. These books are important for the works of literature, history, art, philosophy, and science that they contain and also for their value as cultural objects. Our mission here at Special Collections & Archives is to preserve these books and to provide access to them, whether through our digital library or in-person at our research center on the first floor of Strozier Library. Some collection highlights include:

  • Works on Napoleon & the French Revolution
  • The John M. Shaw Collection of Childhood in Poetry
  • The Carothers Memorial Rare Bibles Collection
  • A complete run of the Kelmscott Press
  • The Gontarski Grove Press Collection
  • Artists’ Books
  • The McGregor Collection on the Discovery and Exploration of the Americas
  • The Louise Richardson Herbals Collection
  • Fore-edge paintings
  • Florida history

The materials in our rare books collections can be found by searching the online catalog and limiting the location to “Strozier, Special Collections”. If you are interested in using our rare books collections for your next research project but aren’t sure where to start, or if you are a faculty member interested in having an instruction session with rare books, please contact me, Katherine Hoarn, Visiting Rare Book and Instruction Librarian, at khoarn@fsu.edu for more information.

Heritage Protocol & University Archives 101

Heritage Protocol & University Archives (HPUA), housed in Special Collections & Archives at Florida State University Libraries, maintains the official repository of university historical records. The archive holds publications, records, photographs, audio-visual, and other material in physical or digital form created by or about Florida State University. We also archive the student experience through the acquisition and preservation of materials created or acquired by alumni while they were students at the university.

Greetings from Florida State College for Women, see full description here.
Greetings from Florida State College for Women, see full description here.

Our staff consists of Heritage Protocol & University Archivist Sandra Varry and Archives Assistant Hannah Davis. We are also fortunate to have Graduate Assistant Britt Boler with us for the fall.

Our mission is to preserve and share the history of FSU with everyone – our FSU community and the public at large. We have a great time posting photos and interesting tidbits on our Facebook page and interacting with our fans as well as attending events on and off campus to promote HPUA. We provide images and information to news and media outlets as well as to researchers. On campus an important job we have is to provide not only historical records preservation for official records, but to provide that material to the university for everything from reports or events, or to help staff do research for projects. Factual data for administrative purposes is important, but we also get to do things like help celebrate the 100th birthday of an alumnus and participate in campus events.

1927 Faculty Baseball Team. See full description here.
1927 Faculty Baseball Team. See full description here.

We receive photographs, scrapbooks, and everything you can imagine from loyal fans, alumni, and their families from all over the world. The actual items come from all periods of time across our 164 year history. The combined knowledge base of student and university created records plus our professional archival staff makes us the place to come for Florida State History! All HPUA digital collections can be seen in the FSU Digital Library.

FSU Heritage Museum, Dodd Hall.
FSU Heritage Museum, Dodd Hall.

HPUA also oversees the Heritage Museum in Dodd Hall. The museum is open Monday – Thursday, 11AM – 4PM during the fall semester for both quiet study and museum visitors. Please visit our site for more information and to plan a visit.

Digital Library Center 101

Greetings from the Digital Library Center!

Want to get a head start on your upcoming research papers? Looking to learn more about the history of the university and life on campus? Maybe you just want to view some of Special Collections and Archives‘ notable rare books and historical collections from the comfort of your own room. Check out FSU’s Digital Library (FSUDL) to view digital reproductions of the fascinating items held right here on campus. Visitors to the site can access primary and secondary source material or just go to see some really cool images without having to pay a visit to Strozier Library.

The Digital Library Center (DLC) staff is diligently working behind the scenes to digitize and share their fascinating collections with the FSU community and the rest of the world. Their expert staff consists of the Production Studio team, Metadata Librarian and Digital Archivist. Together they work closely with library staff as well as with faculty to create high quality digital collections. By regularly uploading quality content to the FSUDL, the DLC is helping connect users to material needed for their research.

Rare and fragile New York Herald newspaper detailing President Lincoln's assassination, April 15, 1865.
Rare and fragile New York Herald newspaper detailing President Lincoln’s assassination, April 15, 1865.

While the DLC mainly focuses on uploading content to the FSUDL, their work serves several purposes, including preservation. By digitizing rare, fragile collections and uploading the images, they are safeguarding items from over-handling while making them accessible to more users. The DLC also provides community members with expertise in the digitization of materials, digital project management and metadata creation.

Our Metadata Librarian, Matthew Miguez provides expertise on the description of materials for long-term access and preservation. Without his meticulous organization of information backstage, finding content in the Digital Library would be frustrating and nearly impossible.

Krystal Thomas, our Digital Archivist provides essential project management expertise to the DLC and ultimately decides which materials are chosen to be digitized and uploaded to the FSUDL. From each project’s initiation to completion, her comprehensive work helps ensure that relevant, quality content is consistently being added to our growing digital collection.

Oversized book of hymnals from the 1600s, Breviarium Romanum, being digitized in the Digital Production Studio
Oversized book of hymnals from the 1600s, Breviarium Romanum, being digitized in the Digital Production Studio

Stuart Rochford, Giesele Towels, and Willa Patterson make up the DLC’s production studio team. They are tasked with photographing and scanning Special Collections material for their images to be uploaded to the Digital Library. Their extensive knowledge of state-of-the-art photographic equipment and imaging standards allows for high quality, high resolution images to be shared.

This week the DLC is starting production on its next exciting project: Cookbooks and Herbals dating all the way back to the 1400s. New collections are always being added to the FSUDL and are often promoted right here on our blog, so check back for more updates on our digital collections!

The Future of the Past

As we’ve mentioned in passing, we’re hard at work preparing for our upcoming 2016 exhibition and event series, Portals: History of the Future.

While combing through our collections, we’ve come across a few futuristic gems that aren’t a great fit for the exhibition, but are just too good to pass by. For instance, this excellent and patriotic book cover:


Forecast 2000 was written in 1984, mind you, so the predictions aren’t terribly far-fetched.


The only-slightly-older, also-patriotic-looking Seven Tomorrows (from 1982) provides “seven scenarios for the eighties and nineties”. (Is one allowed to predict life in the eighties when one is already living in the eighties? That seems like cheating.)


Seven Tomorrows has lots of fun charts and imaginary statistics, and its scenarios provide a surprisingly good read.


(Apparently if we experience “apocalyptic transformation”, there will be a rise in demand for mediators, and a decreasing demand for astronauts.)

The oldest book of this stellar batch is the 1977 Future File, a slightly sci-fi compendium of information for the forward-looking thinker.


One section of this book has predictions by year, culled from all kinds of past official publications.




2000: year of nuclear electric spacecraft. 2015: replacement organs harvested from farmed animals. 2024: lunar colony and extraterrestrial farming. Isn’t the future grand?

Lee Causseaux: FSU’s First Chief of Police

Lee Causseaux's FSU Chief of Police badge
Lee Causseaux’s FSU Chief of Police badge. Badge courtesy of Patsy Yawn.

Born in 1900 in Woodville, FL, Lee Causseaux was the descendant of a long line of Leon County residents and spent his whole life serving the greater Tallahassee community. Considering FSCW and FSU his second home, “Mr. Lee” (as most people called him) occupied many positions on campus, ranging from laundry operations, Superintendent of Landscaping, and his eventual promotion to Chief of FSCW Police in 1945. His influence was felt outside of campus, too – he was often called on by the Leon County Sheriff’s Office and Culley’s Funeral Home for assistance.

Chief Declares Cops Guard Students, Florida Flambeau, October 16, 1956
Chief Declares Cops Guard Students, Florida Flambeau, October 16, 1956

Before taking his position as FSCW Chief of Police, Causseaux protected students from a pervasive threat: the sun. As the Superintendent of Landscaping, one of his major projects was transplanting live oak trees from the campus arboretum to various locations around campus and Tallahassee. Causseaux’s love of landscaping never faded after leaving the position, evident from the friendship he had with accomplished horticulturist and FSU’s first First Lady, Mrs. Edna Campbell. He helped her landscape  the President’s home after renovations, and she would often share plants with him for his new home.

Causseaux on Campus
Lee Causseaux on Campus. Photo courtesy of Patsy Yawn.

Causseaux’s law enforcement career started in 1932, when he was sworn in as a Leon County Deputy Sheriff and FSCW’s first day officer. In a 1956 Florida Flambeau article about the necessity of campus police, Causseaux remarked that when he started at the university in the early 1930s, there was only “one man, whose duties were chiefly those of a night watchman.” Throughout the 1930s, the FSCW police force grew to include 3 more officers, and by 1939, police uniforms had been issued. The department continued to grow during the 1940s, as the transition from FSCW to FSU saw an increased need for police. By the time of Causseaux’s death in 1959, the FSU Police Department employed nearly 20 officers. Lee Causseaux served as Chief of Police from 1945-1959.

Lee Causseaux and his Wife, Alma
Lee Causseaux and his Wife, Alma. Photo courtesy of Patsy Yawn.
Lee Causseaux had two children with his wife Alma, whom he married in 1923. Causseaux’s daugher, Patsy Yawn, describes her father as someone who “cared for all [his] employees,” saying that he considered “FSCW/FSU faculty and staff [as] his extended family.” On October 24, 1959, after seining for mullet out of the FSU Marine Laboratory, Causseaux complained of not feeling well and passed away on the shore.  Yawn proclaims that her father’s death on FSU soil was “a fitting exit for a man who loved, lived, and breathed for the school.”

Establishing the Emmett Till Research Archives

till17276966[1] copyThe Florida State University Libraries’ Special Collections and Archives Division and Professor Davis W. Houck are delighted to announce the establishment of what will become the foremost research collection on the life and death of Emmett Till, an African-American teenager whose murder in Mississippi in 1955 sparked protest in the South.

Till’s death helped galvanize the civil rights movement in America, and Friday, August 28, 2015 marks the 60th anniversary of his murder. Till, 14, was kidnapped, beaten and shot after he allegedly flirted with a white woman.

We are truly humbled and honored to be working with scholars and researchers such as Davis Houck, Devery Anderson, and Keith Beauchamp are donating their research materials to FSU and are willing to share their important work with generations to come.

“We’re very excited for this project because there is just simply nothing like it,” said Houck, a faculty member in the College of Communication and Information who authored Emmett Till and the Mississippi Press. “We’ve spent 20 years accumulating this material, most of which involved travel to Mississippi and archives around the South. It’s long past due that we had a ‘one-stop-archive’ for all things Emmett Till, and with this collection, we’ll finally have that.”

The collection will feature newspaper coverage from the Till murder trial and court proceedings by domestic and international press, and materials from FBI investigations, court records and interview transcripts.

Author Devery Anderson will contribute a comprehensive collection of newspaper articles, genealogical work, interview transcriptions and obscure magazine articles used to write his recently released book, Emmett Till: The Murder That Shocked the World and Propelled the Civil Rights Movement. Anderson’s research not only tells the story of the Till case as it unfolded in 1955, but follows the case to the present day, incorporating the FBI’s investigation and source materials, including a complete trial transcript.

Interviews and oral histories gathered by filmmaker Keith Beauchamp for his Emmy-nominated documentary, The Untold Story of Emmett Louis Till, will also comprise part of the archive. Beauchamp’s research was pivotal in convincing the FBI to re-open the case in 2004 — an investigation that resulted in more than 8,000 pages of important material.

These materials from some of the nation’s foremost Emmett Till researchers will be a great addition to our archives and an outstanding resource for students, researchers and civil rights historians worldwide.

Tu cartera, tu pequeño archivo: recuperó su cartera 65 años después

El hombre que recuperó su billetera 65 años después de perderla

http://www.bbc.com/ 26/08/2015

No somos pocos los que hemos perdido la billetera en algún momento de nuestras vidas. Y casi nadie se imagina que se la regresen después de 65 años.

Precisamente eso le ocurrió a Edward Parker. La billetera se le cayó en la parte de atrás de una estantería medieval mientras trabajaba como electricista reparando un palacio dañado por los bombardeos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Eso fue en 1950. La cartera permaneció en el lugar hasta que un contratista, haciendo trabajos de restauración, la encontró. Y se la devolvieron.

Se encontraron facturas de la época

La billetera es como una cápsula del tiempo. Es de cuero y ya había comenzado a desintegrarse.

Dentro tenía numerosas fotos familiares, facturas, recibos, antiguas tarjetas del sindicato y la del seguro médico.

La billetera ya estaba desintegrándose

Incluso los resultados de una radiografía enviadas por el Servicio Nacional de Salud (NHS, en inglés) el mismo año de su fundación, 1948.

La tarjeta de visitas, que decían “E. Parker, electricista”, parecen casi nuevas. Tienen la dirección, pero no un número de teléfono.

Image captionLas tarjetas de visita estaban en muy buen estado.

Hace un mes, un trabajador del gabinete de prensa del Palacio Lambeth mencionó que le habían devuelto la billetera a su dueño.

Pensaron que podría ser bueno intentar encontrar al dueño y dársela a la familia.

Edward Parker es un nombre bastante común, pero su tarjeta médica contenía dos direcciones en el norte de Londres.

Con eso, la alcaldía de Islington pudo encontrar los detalles de su boda con Constance Butler en 1947.

La información fue suficiente para descubrir que vivía en Essex, en el sur de Inglaterra.

Un sobre determinó pistas sobre la dirección de su residencia.

La billetera también tenía información sobre el sindicato de Parker.

Ahora, a los 89 años, Edward padece demencia, pero estaba claramente contento de haber encontrado su billetera, sobre todo por las fotografías.

Señaló a algunas de su madre y padre, su hermano, sus primos y su esposa, que todavía lo acompaña.

Las fotos familiares era lo que más extrañaba Parker tras extraviar su cartera.

Constance explica que Edward no había visto la foto de su padre desde que la perdió.
Además, tenía una foto de ambos del día en que le contó que estaba embarazada del que sería su primer hijo.
“Tenía miedo de decírselo, no teníamos dinero”, recuerda.

Su seguro médico

Constance también recuerda el día que la perdió. “Supe que estaba molesto. Llegó y dijo ‘perdí la billetera’, y le respondí ‘no importa'”.

Su esposa también recuerda el día que la perdió. “Supe que estaba molesto”.

“Y uno de sus amigos le dijo: ‘¿Qué has perdido, Ed?’. Y el dijo: ‘Da igual lo que perdí, el dinero no me importa, son los recuerdos que perdí'”.

Webinar: Bibliotecario + Software libre + APPS

Webinar: Bibliotecario + Software libre + APPS

2º Ciclo de Webinar SIGB – Koha Continuamos con nuestro ciclo de webinar SIGB con el que pretendemos resolver algunas de las principales dudas respecto al uso de software libre para la gestión y administración de una Biblioteca. Bibliotecario + Software libre + APPS Las aplicaciones móviles proveen acceso instantáneo y casi ilimitado a contenido […]

Consultores Documentales

Claude Pepper Library 101

Welcome back students, staff and faculty to another Fall Semester here at FSU! Here on campus and around town, there are some really great locations and spaces for learning and engaging with the past. One space in particular is the Claude Pepper Library at FSU. The Claude Pepper Library was established in 1985 as the official repository for the Claude Pepper Papers, a unique and multi-faceted collection of manuscripts, photographs, audio/video recordings, and memorabilia documenting the life and career of U.S. Senator and Congressman Claude Denson Pepper (1900-1989).

Congressman Pepper in his office, ca. 1980.
Congressman Pepper in his office, ca. 1980.

Since the library’s opening over 30 years ago, the holdings at the Claude Pepper Library, located on West Call Street on the FSU Campus, have grown in size and scope. The Pepper is currently home to 17 collections with varying focuses including the Tallahassee National Organization for Women Chapter Records, The Reubin Askew Papers, and The Thomas LeRoy Collins Papers among others.

Our staff currently consists of Claude Pepper archivist Robert Rubero and archives assistant Mallary Rawls. The mission of the Claude Pepper Library is to support and advance research, teaching and engagement by acquiring, preserving and providing access to collections dealing with the political history of the State of Florida on national and local levels for use by students, faculty and researchers worldwide. The focus of our current major project is the digitization of the Claude Pepper diaries, which chronicle over 40 years of political involvement through the late Senator’s eyes.

An example of memorabilia found in the NOW Chapter Records.
An example of memorabilia found in the NOW Chapter Records.

At the Pepper Library we also enjoy posting to our Facebook page and enjoy updating our followers through our “Today in Pepper History” posts. More importantly, we offer patrons a firsthand experience with primary source materials from a variety of creators, all giving a glimpse into the political landscape in the State of Florida with a range of over 75 years. The Pepper Library has regularly hosted archives training sessions, class tours and guest lecturers and plans to continue these events in the future. There is also a museum component located in the Pepper Center which chronicles the life of Senator Pepper and is based on his book, Eyewitness to a Century.

Stay tuned for future blog posts as we bring you more great examples from our collections here at the Pepper Library!

Google presenta servicio de backup de soporte físico

Google presenta servicio para que las empresas suban sus cintas, discos duros y demás soportes físicos

http://wwwhatsnew.com/ 25/08/2015


Herramientas para hacer backup de nuestros archivos hay muchas, pero cuando hablamos de una empresa con cientos de cintas, discos duros y unidades USB, el proceso puede ser un verdadero infierno.

Con el objetivo de atraer a esos clientes, haciendo competencia a algo que Amazon ya ofrece desde 2009, Google ha presentado un servicio de backup de soporte físico: enviamos el disco duro (o cualquier otro soporte) y dejamos que sean otros los que lo suban a Internet con conexión de altísima velocidad.

Se han asociado con Iron Mountain para realizar el trabajo, según leemos en la página del producto, empresa que de momento solo trabaja en América del Norte. Para su uso en Europa y Asia aún están definiendo detalles, por lo que de momento no es posible contratarlo.

Dejan claro que la responsabilidad es de la empresa con la que se han asociado para realizar el trabajo: transporte y subida de datos. Google no recibe ningún tipo de comisión por el proceso, simplemente “facilita” el acceso a Google Cloud Storage. Recomiendan realizar el cifrado de los datos antes de entregarlo a Iron Mountain.

Una vez subido el contenido, el cliente podrá indicar a Iron Mountain si quiere el soporte físico de vuelta, si quiere destruirlo o guardarlo allí como “segundo backup”.

Autor: Juan Diego Polo

Jornadas de Archivo: “La archivística: saber, formación y praxis en un escenario cambiante”

Jornadas de Archiveros
http://www.ellitoral.com/ 25/08/2015 

Como lo hace anualmente, el Archivo General de la Provincia organiza las Jornadas de Archiveros. En esta oportunidad se realizarán este jueves, de 7.30 a 13 en el salón cultural de UPCN, Rivadavia 2513, bajo el lema: “La archivística: saber, formación y praxis en un escenario cambiante”. La temática propuesta tiene como objetivo abordar la aplicación de la metodología para la evaluación documental en los archivos y su relación con el servicio que los mismos deben brindar a los propios organismos productores, la ciudadanía y los investigadores. Asimismo se analizará el aporte de la enseñanza académica de la Archivística en la formación de recursos humanos capacitados para la implementación de las buenas prácticas y se realizará una conmemoración de los 30 años de la Creación de la Carrera de Archivística del Instituto Superior Nº 12, dependiente del Ministerio de Educación de la provincia.

Luego del acto de apertura se realizará el panel: “Formación profesional: la carrera de Archivística en Santa Fe. Inst. Superior Nº 12 y Paraná – Uader”. Víctor Hugo Arévalo Jordán, docente de la carrera de Archivística de Santa Fe, expondrá sobre “Avances conceptuales en la disciplina”; Liliana Pereyra y Hernán Steckler, docentes de Archivística de Santa Fe, hablarán sobre “Nuevas líneas curriculares y su impacto en la formación académica”; y María Luisa Benítez, Liliana González y Sandra Méndez (docentes de la Licenciatura en Archivología de la Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos) disertarán acerca de “Las prácticas profesionales como complemento formativo en la Licenciatura en Archivología de la Uader”.

A continuación se desarrollará un panel sobre: “Una metodología archivística: la valoración documental en organismos del Estado provincial”. Expondrán Alejandra Ledesma, de la Unidad Informática Periférica Hospital Iturraspe, sobre: “Un caso en estudio: la historia clínica del Hospital Iturraspe de Santa Fe”; María Virginia Coudannes, de la Dirección Provincial de Anticorrupción y Transparencia del Sector Público, sobre “La valoración documental en el modelo de gestión documental de la Red de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información”; Leandro Allaragüe, responsable del Archivo Jurisdiccional del MIC sobre “Una experiencia en el Archivo Jurisdiccional del Ministerio de Innovación y Cultura” y Pablo Pfirter, secretario de Coordinación Responsable de Calidad, sobre: “Caja de Jubilaciones: calidad y eficiencia en la Gestión Documental”.

Para finalizar, se efectuará un panel que tendrá como eje “La valoración documental y los archivos al servicio de la investigación”. Sus integrantes abordarán respectivamente la siguiente temática: Fany Peretto, docente de la Carrera de Archivística de Santa Fe, “El valor secundario de los documentos y su relación con la investigación social”; y Enzo Vicentín, licenciado en Historia por la UNL y actual doctorando en Historia por la UBA, “Los archivos y la investigación: una experiencia en Historia Económica”. Previa lectura de las conclusiones se procederá a efectuar la clausura de las jornadas.

Para mayor información e inscripción los interesados pueden dirigirse al Archivo Intermedio: interm@santafe.gov.ar, Tels: 4506600 internos 1589 ó 1552 (de 7 a 13); Hemeroteca: bancopaucke@santafe.gov.ar o a www.santafe-conicet.gov.ar/sipar/extension.html.

RTVC digitalizará 250.000 piezas de radio y televisión pública colombiana

La memoria audiovisual de Colombia

http://www.revistaarcadia.com/ 25/08/2015

Señal Memoria nació en 2013 con el fin de restaurar, conservar, digitalizar y catalogar 75 años de radio y 61 de televisión. La iniciativa, formulada por RTVC, se desarrolló para que cualquier persona pueda acceder a los archivos, entre los que se encuentran las primeras transmisiones televisivas del Gustavo Rojas Pinilla y programas memorables de la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Hoy, desde su página web, Señal Memoria ya ha puesto al alcance de quienquiera los primeros adelantos de un trabajo que ha consistido en resanar los distintos soportes audiovisuales, como los discos duros, el VHC, la radio de carrete abierto y la cinta de pulgada.

“Desde hace ocho años se vienen recuperando los archivos de radio y ahora comenzamos con los de televisión. Pero el trabajo también ha sido de restauración, pues ahora tenemos que establecer las condiciones óptimas para conservar los archivos, y que no se vuelvan a dañar por culpa de los hongos y la humedad. Y por eso estamos construyendo un anexo en la sede de RTVC para albergar el archivo”, dice Tatiana Duplat, la directora de Señal Memoria. El nuevo edificio, que abrirá sus puertas el 27 de octubre, en el día internacional del patrimonio audiovisual, conservará todos los soportes análogos mientras que los digitales pasarán a un centro de nuevos medios.

Los radioteatros de los años cincuenta, los discursos de presidentes, y todas las transmisiones que se hicieron con fondos públicos estarán a la disposición del público en 2017, según Duplat, quien además afirma que durante estos dos años se subirán a la página web de Señal Memoria los contenidos que se vayan subsanando. “Hay que considerar nuestra historia audiovisual como patrimonio y tratarla así. Por mucho Netflix y canales internacionales que haya, esta radio y televisión sigue siendo un referente que nadie va a reemplazar porque nos muestran de una manera directa la realidad y la historia de nuestro país”, afirma.

Andrade, sin embargo, enfatiza que todavía no sabe si van a poder incluir todos los programas icónicos de los setenta y ochenta, pues muchos de estos fueron financiados por terceros y todavía no han solucionado el tema de los derechos de autor. “En un mundo ideal tendríamos a la disposición de todo el mundo telenovelas como Gallito Ramírez, pero si no se puede, por lo menos nuestra iniciativa permite generar consciencia en otros de la importancia de salvaguardar nuestro patrimonio audiovisual”.

Looking Deeply to Date the Past

Geography: England: Oxfordshire: Oxford: "Floods Nov. 1894"

Geography: England: Oxfordshire: Oxford: “Floods Nov. 1894”. HEIR resource 51932, GEOGbx82im003.tif.

Although the HEIR Project archive now has more than 15,000 images, only a tiny fraction of this number arrived with specific dates in their caption. When we come across a picture with a caption such as this one of Oxford, we thank our lucky stars, as we know the where and the when, providing the beginning of many a great story.

Harris Manchester College: England: Oxford: "Oxford, Univ Coll" "S. Mary the Virgin-bit of Queens College" "WHP"

Harris Manchester College: England: Oxford: “Oxford, Univ Coll” “S. Mary the Virgin-bit of Queens College” “WHP”. HEIR resource 41553, HMCbx1im012.tif.

Most often, image dating comes from research, either our own or work done by the many people who have been assisting us via the HEIRtagger website (www.heirtagger.ox.ac.uk). For example, while preparing for a lecture, we were reviewing images of Oxford and took a good look at this view of University College on the High Street. Although the front of the University College still looks much the same today, the cobblestone street paving, horse droppings and the clothing on the girl standing in the street suggest that this is a 19th century image. The dating breakthrough, however, came when we noticed that in the centre background of the image the Brasenose College Tower was surrounded with scaffolding. As this structure dates to the 1887-1889 period when the High Street frontage of this college was rebuilt, we can now estimate that this picture was taken in either 1888 or 1889, as the tower was nearly complete.

Many of our images hold clues, such as merchant signs, clothing styles, streetlights or even automobiles that can provide all the information needed to date the picture. Your support of HEIRtagger can make all of the difference when you take the time to look at all of the information in our images.

Welcome to FSU!

Or welcome back as the case may be!

We here at Special Collections & Archives are wishing all new and returning students a safe and successful fall semester!

Glad registration is online now? Here's a look at registration for new classes in Fall 1958.
Glad registration is online now? Here’s a look at registration for new classes in Fall 1958. See original photograph here.

Our Research Center Reading Room and Norwood Reading Room have returned to their normal semester hours in Strozier Library. We’re open Monday-Thursday, 10AM to 6PM and on Fridays from 10AM to 5:30PM.

Wonder what Special Collections & Archives can do for you? Over the next two weeks, we’ll be highlighting our collections and services here on our blog to introduce you to what we do and have here in our division.

Happy Fall everyone!

The Ruskin Art Club & the Creation of the Hector Alliot Memorial Library

Bookplate for the Hector Alliot Memorial Library of Archaeology, Hector and Laurena Alliot Manuscript Collection, Braun Research Library Collection, Autry National Center; MS.216
Bookplate for the Hector Alliot Memorial Library of Archaeology, Hector and Laurena Alliot Manuscript Collection, Braun Research Library Collection, Autry National Center; MS.216

Founded in 1888, the Ruskin Art Club was the first women’s club established in Los Angeles. Although early members were prominent society women, they eschewed the notion of forming a social club and, instead, sought to devote their energies to rigorous art historical studies and, ultimately, the creation of a new cultural landscape in the Southern California region. The Club was initially organized by Mary E. Boyce, wife of civil war veteran and newspaperman Captain Henry H. Boyce (and, coincidentally, the aunt of future Southwest Museum director Harrington). After visitors to her home saw her impressive collection of engravings and expressed a desire to study art in depth, the Ruskin Art Club began to meet on Wednesday mornings in the Boyce residence. The Club held its meetings in a variety of private homes, halls, and hotel banquet rooms until 1926, when the members voted to purchase the house on 8th & Plymouth, near the mid-Wilshire area, that would remain their base of operations until it was sold in 2014. Their name was selected in honor of John “Ruskin’s writings on art and architecture, highly regarded as reference works.”[1]

1888 membership dues were $2 and the first study topic was engraving. In an 1893 Ruskin Art Club publication, Mary Boyce decried “Los Angeles, peerless in sunshine and flowers, offers few facilities for the study of art. It has no museums, no art galleries.”[2] The Club was quick to make an impact on the cultural life of the city when, in 1890, they attracted Elbridge Kingsley and the Society of American Wood Engravers exhibition to Los Angeles, organizing the first public art exhibition ever held in the city. To accompany the exhibition, the Ruskin Art Club published a collection of lectures and essays on wood engravings.[3] The successful event attracted other like-minded women to the group and membership quickly increased. By 1893, the member roster included 176 names.[4]

By 1900, the group had incorporated as a non-profit educational organization. In addition to Wednesday morning meetings, the Club sponsored luncheons and evening lectures. Special programs covered “branches of fine arts, manual arts, and crafts, current events, world affairs, book reviews, civic and local topics, and travel talks often illustrated with stereopticon and motion pictures.”[5] A topic, such as a specific art genre or the culture of a particular region, would be studied in depth for anywhere from one to three years. Topics often seemed to reflect a desire to understand the times. The Club studied the incipient modern movement in 1900, focused on the Balkans at the close of World War I, celebrated their own nation at the outbreak of World War II with multiple years of studies devoted to the artistic heritage of the United States, and then directed their interest to understanding the cultures represented by the various theatres of the war with Islands of the Pacific, Africa, and Russia as study topics in the mid-1940s.

In addition to their intensive studies, the women were involved in a variety of civic, philanthropic, and social causes. Relief efforts were undertaken following the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and the women kept active during both world wars, knitting and sewing for the troops and volunteering with the USO. Reflecting their desire for greater public access to culture, the Club sent members to the state capitol in 1909 to argue that the land on an agricultural fairground (now Exposition Park) be designated for the Los Angeles County Museum of History, Science, and Art. The museum began construction in 1910. Members of the Ruskin Art Club were also instrumental in procuring the bronze statue of the muses of art, history, and science featured in its rotunda.[6]

Across town, planning was under way for a permanent home for the Southwest Museum. Hector Alliot, who had been hired as its curator in 1909, was already well known to the Ruskin women, as he had lectured at the Club on several occasions and even contributed artworks to their 1908 print exhibition.[7] Following his untimely death from a heart attack in 1919, the Hector Alliot Memorial Library of Archaeology was established in his honor by the Club and Alliot’s widow, Laurena, who had joined the Ruskin Art Club soon after his passing. Initial funds were raised through travel lectures and a sizable donation from Mrs. Alliot.

Hector Alliot Print from In memoriam. Hector Alliot : Chateau des Forestiers, Gironde, France, November 20, 1862, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A., February 15, 1919, Hector and Laurena Alliot Manuscript Collection, Braun Research Library Collection, Autry National Center; MS.216, Box 1, Folder 13
Hector Alliot Print from In memoriam. Hector Alliot : Chateau des Forestiers, Gironde, France, November 20, 1862, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A., February 15, 1919, Hector and Laurena Alliot Manuscript Collection, Braun Research Library Collection, Autry National Center; MS.216, Box 1, Folder 13

The 1923 Southwest Museum annual report stated that Club member Anna Victoria Witmer was in charge of acquisitions for the Alliot Library, purchasing “suitable volumes”[8] in the subject areas of archaeology and ethnology, often based on suggestions from the museum director. Her niece and fellow Club member Letha Lewis Storrow became a Southwest Museum trustee the same year and would hold that position until her death in 1950. The Witmer/Lewis family had been involved with Southwest Museum founder Charles Fletcher Lummis’ Landmarks Club several years before, as well, with Letha’s husband Samuel Storrow’s engineering firm overseeing the restoration of the San Fernando Mission in 1916-17.

By 1929, the Alliot Library collection had grown to 690 titles. The country was entering the Great Depression, however, and money was tight for the Ruskin Art Club. Donations to the Alliot Library came to a virtual standstill. The few books that did come in were purchased by Miss Anna Victoria Witmer herself who was clearly devoted to the cause. Upon her death in 1935, she left a bequest of $1000 to be invested in US Savings Bonds with interest diverted to continually fund additions to the Alliot Library.

1935 also saw the collection moved from the member’s room in the museum to the public section of the library, where it was merged with the Walter McClintock ethnology collection. The benefits of the move were greater exposure and use of the formidable collection of archaeological and ethnographic materials which had previously functioned primarily as a reference collection for staff.

A Portrait of Laurena Alliot by Charles Fletcher Lummis, July 17, 1910, Braun Research Library Collection, Autry National Center; P.31934
A Portrait of Laurena Alliot by Charles Fletcher Lummis, July 17, 1910, Braun Research Library Collection, Autry National Center; P.31934

By 1945, as the Ruskin Art Club had begun to recover from their financial difficulties and, with the war at an end, were again able to focus on the arts and philanthropy. As a result, there was renewed attention to the Alliot Library. Mrs. J.W. Hendrick had taken over the role of representative after Miss Witmer’s death, though Laurena Alliot was perhaps the main financial resource during this time, donating interest from a $1000 US Savings Bond in 1947 and, after her death in 1955, remembering the collection in her will with an additional $1000 cash donation. By this time, the collection held over 1000 books.

Club member Helen Witmer, the wife of Anna Victoria Witmer’s nephew, was the next to take the reins as representative in 1956 and showed similar devotion to the Alliot Memorial Library as had other members of her family. A 1973 addition to the fund by member Lela Alexander ($1000) and the Ruskin Art Club board ($500) further enriched the pool. Southwest Museum library records for the next two decades showed regular memorial donations in addition to the interest from funds promised to the museum in the Club’s by-laws. By 1977, the Alliot Library had 1450 titles.

Unfortunately, a change in Ruskin Art Club leadership in the early 1980s seems to have ended the highly beneficial arrangement. Though the Ruskin Art Club is still in existence, their Clubhouse was sold in 2014 and their institutional records have been donated to the University of Southern California. Their legacy lives on, however, in the Hector Alliot Memorial Library, still an important core collection of the Braun Research Library and a testament to the admiration for its namesake, Southwest Museum curator and director Hector Alliot.

[1] Southwest Museum, Annual Report of the Southwest Museum for the year 1923, (Los Angeles: Southwest Museum, 1924), p. 8, Southwest Museum Institutional Archives, 1901-2008, Braun Research Library Collection, Autry National Center, Los Angeles, CA; MS.3; Annual Reports, 1919-1926, 1945, 1949-1950.

[2] Ruskin Art Club, Braun Research Library Collection, Autry National Center, Los Angeles, CA; MS.1133, “Ruskin Art Club Story,” undated.

[3] Ruskin Art Club, The Ruskin Art Club, Los Angeles, California, 1888-1893 (Boston: Arena Press, 1893), page 12.

[4] This publication can be accessed in full via Hathi Trust: http://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=hvd.fl2buf;view=1up;seq=6

[5] Ruskin Art Club, The Ruskin Art Club, Los Angeles, California, 1888-1893 (Boston: Arena Press, 1893), pages 59-61.

[6] Ruskin Art Club, Braun Research Library Collection, Autry National Center, Los Angeles, CA; MS.1133, “The Ruskin Art Club, 1888-1948″ (unpublished), page 28.

[7] Ruskin Art Club, Braun Research Library Collection, Autry National Center, Los Angeles, CA; MS.1133, “The Ruskin Art Club, 1888-1948” (unpublished), page 12.

[8] “Artists gather to view grand exhibit,” Los Angeles Herald, April 6, 1908, page 9.

Little People and Dancing Rabbits

Most of my research into our Native American literature collection has focused on the very earliest publications from the late 18th and early 19th centuries, but the majority of our  recent acquisitions have been of newer books. When we state that our goal is to document as comprehensively as possible the full range of publications by Indigenous writers of North America, that includes everything from obscure pamphlets of the nineteenth century to books for children published in the last decade. I was just about to head to the stacks to shelve a handful of freshly cataloged books when I thought I ought to share a handful of these items with the world.

Rabbit's Snow Dance

This copy of Rabbit’s Snow Dance by James & Joseph Bruchac was a gift to the collection from Professor Lisa Brooks. It was published in 2012 and the copy in our collection will remain as crisp and clean as new for generations to come. I like to imagine a student or researcher coming to examine our copy many years from now and recalling their own copy of this book that they loved so much they read it to pieces. One reason books for children are often very rare and collectible is that children tend to be very hard on their books.

Stories about “the Little People” can be found throughout the collection, such as Charles Eastman’s “The Dance of the Little People” in Red Hunters and the Animal People (1904). Here is a more recent story of the Little People — a collaboration between Joseph Bruchac and Melissa Tantaquidgeon Zobel: Makiawisug: The Gift of the Little People (1997).


In addition to retellings of traditional tales, some of our books for children contain lessons about traditional crafts, such as Kunu’s Basket (2012):

Kunu's Basket

Others aim to preserve and pass on Indigenous languages. Thanks to the Animals (2005) is written in English, but the publisher’s web site includes an audio file of Allen Sockabasin reading the story in the Passamaquoddy language.

Thanks to the Animals

And then there are stories that are drawn from contemporary life, such as Robert Peters’ Da Goodie Monsta (2009). He says of the story’s origin “Da Goodie Monsta was written when my son, Robert Jr. was only three. He woke up from a nap and told me of a dream he had about a monster. ‘Did he scare you?’ I asked. ‘No’ replied Robert Jr. ‘He was a good monster.’”

Da Goodie Monsta

These five titles are just a small sample of the growing number of books for children included in our collection of books by Native American writers. They will now take their place on the shelves alongside works by Charles Eastman, Zitkala-Sa, and (my personal favorite) Acee Blue Eagle’s Echogee: The Little Blue Deer (1971).

Echogee The Little Blue Deer Cover

Little People and Dancing Rabbits

Most of my research into our Native American literature collection has focused on the very earliest publications from the late 18th and early 19th centuries, but the majority of our  recent acquisitions have been of newer books. When we state that our goal is to document as comprehensively as possible the full range of publications by Indigenous writers of North America, that includes everything from obscure pamphlets of the nineteenth century to books for children published in the last decade. I was just about to head to the stacks to shelve a handful of freshly cataloged books when I thought I ought to share a handful of these items with the world.

Rabbit's Snow Dance

This copy of Rabbit’s Snow Dance by James & Joseph Bruchac was a gift to the collection from Professor Lisa Brooks. It was published in 2012 and the copy in our collection will remain as crisp and clean as new for generations to come. I like to imagine a student or researcher coming to examine our copy many years from now and recalling their own copy of this book that they loved so much they read it to pieces. One reason books for children are often very rare and collectible is that children tend to be very hard on their books.

Stories about “the Little People” can be found throughout the collection, such as Charles Eastman’s “The Dance of the Little People” in Red Hunters and the Animal People (1904). Here is a more recent story of the Little People — a collaboration between Joseph Bruchac and Melissa Tantaquidgeon Zobel: Makiawisug: The Gift of the Little People (1997).


In addition to retellings of traditional tales, some of our books for children contain lessons about traditional crafts, such as Kunu’s Basket (2012):

Kunu's Basket

Others aim to preserve and pass on Indigenous languages. Thanks to the Animals (2005) is written in English, but the publisher’s web site includes an audio file of Allen Sockabasin reading the story in the Passamaquoddy language.

Thanks to the Animals

And then there are stories that are drawn from contemporary life, such as Robert Peters’ Da Goodie Monsta (2009). He says of the story’s origin “Da Goodie Monsta was written when my son, Robert Jr. was only three. He woke up from a nap and told me of a dream he had about a monster. ‘Did he scare you?’ I asked. ‘No’ replied Robert Jr. ‘He was a good monster.’”

Da Goodie Monsta

These five titles are just a small sample of the growing number of books for children included in our collection of books by Native American writers. They will now take their place on the shelves alongside works by Charles Eastman, Zitkala-Sa, and (my personal favorite) Acee Blue Eagle’s Echogee: The Little Blue Deer (1971).

Echogee The Little Blue Deer Cover

Archivo Municipal de Llucmajor en estado deplorable

El “deplorable” estado del archivo de Llucmajor hace peligrar textos históricos
http://www.diariodemallorca.es/ 21/08/2015

El equipo de gobierno lamenta que la anterior administración municipal conservase los documentos en un espacio inadecuado

Textos de gran valor histórico, casi destruidos. Documentos del siglo XV o XVI amontonados sin protección. Legajos guardados en cajas puestas en el suelo, a los que amenaza la humedad. Ésta es la situación del archivo municipal con la que se ha encontrado el equipo de gobierno de Llucmajor, formado por Més, El Pi y PSOE. El Ayuntamiento informó de que, ante este “deplorable” estado de conservación, ha pedido la colaboración del Consell de Mallorca para que envíe un técnico y realice un análisis de la situación.

Los documentos históricos se amontonaban sin las condiciones adecuadas de conservación.

Ayer, el alcalde de Llucmajor, Jaume Tomàs (Més), y la regidora de Cultura, Adelina Gutiérrez (Més), mostraron a los medios el estado en que se encuentra el archivo, que, hasta ahora, se guardaba en la planta superior de la sede consistorial. Se trata de un espacio que, según los nuevos representantes municipales, no reunía los requisitos necesarios, desde el punto de vista de condiciones de humedad, luz o temperatura, para conservar documentos de gran valor histórico.

Cambio de ubicación

Por este motivo, la primera decisión del equipo de gobierno ha sido empezar a trabajar en el acondicionamiento de una sala en el claustro de Sant Bonaventura, que sirva para albergar en mejores condiciones este tipo de documentación tan delicada.

Planos y mapas

Entre los documentos, que se remontan hasta el siglo XV, se pueden encontrar textos de diversos temas, incluyendo planos, mapas o transcripciones de juicios.

“Seguramente, habrá documentos que sean irreparables. Es una pérdida lamentable de documentos históricos, que son un patrimonio para los ‘llucmajorers”, declaró a los medios la regidora de Cultura.

El Ayuntamiento se ha puesto en contacto con la institución insular para que un técnico experto en la materia haga una valoración de los daños sufridos por el archivo.

Autor: i. moure

Pennies for Kenny (Episode 5)

Everyone was afraid of polio in the 1930s and 40s. In a matter of days or weeks, what seemed like a simple fever or headache could turn out to be a crippling disease with life-long after effects.

And the treatment was sort of part of the problem. For most of the 1930s, doctors would immobilize polio patients in splits and casts to keep them from injuring themselves and moving too much. But Sister Elizabeth Kenny, an Australian nurse, thought that these splints and casts were actually making the long-term muscle problems worse. Instead of keeping patients still, she worked with their muscles, “re-educating” them through physical therapy. 

Kenny brought this method to the United States in 1940. Doctors in New York and at the Mayo clinic weren’t quite sure what do do with her. She wasn’t even a licensed nurse, just an Australian “bush nurse,” or someone who learned nursing through apprenticeship and experience, but not accredited schooling. Eventually, though, she founded the Sister Kenny Institute in Minneapolis, trained technicians in her method, and spread it across the United States, in various forms and under various names.

The Kenny Institute created a number of media campaigns to raise money, including these radio plays. She also was featured in endless newspaper articles, as well as comic books (“Australian Bush Nurse,” Real Heroes, no. 5, “Sister Elizabeth Kenny,” Wonder Woman, no. 8, and “Sister Kenny,” It Really Happened, no. 8). Later, there were radio plays about her life– a 1942 radio play on Cavalcade of America, another on the WGN “America at the Ramparts” series, and one on WBBN’s Coronet Little Show in 1945.

There was even a Sister Kenny movie in 1946

In this episode of Backtrack, we take a closer look at all the media hype around Kenny, and put it into context.

Thanks to Dr. Naomi Rogers, author of Polio Wars: Sister Kenny and the Golden Age of American Medicine, for speaking to us for this episode. Thanks also to Renee Dunn, for her interview. 

In this piece, we drew brief snippets from this Cavalcade of America radioplay about Sister Kenny, as well as this March of Dimes promotional polio video

The list of comic books comes from one of the many sources we read for this—Bert Hansen’s Medical history for the Masses– How American Comic Books Celebrated Heroes of Medicine in the 1940s.  Naomi Roger’s ‘Silence has its own Stories’: Elizabeth Kenny, Polio and the Culture of Medicine’ and her book ‘Polio Wars’ were also particularly helpful.  

Special thanks to John Passmore, Andy Lanset and Hannah Sistrunk. 

The rest of the episodes of Backtrack can be found here.

Sister Elizabeth Kenny in 1946.
(PM News Photo/A. Lanset Collection)


Map repaired with a blank ballot

This year, we received funding from the B.C. History Digitization Program to digitize more maps and plans from our holdings. The maps need conservation work done to them before they can be digitized. Here’s an example of a map that had an unusual old repair.

Back of map, close-up showing old repair.

Back of map, close-up showing old repair. Item No. LEG1153.367

This is one sheet from a set of Point Grey sectional maps from the 1920s. The map is 2.8m long, printed on cloth and has several tears at one end. A very long time ago, probably in 1929 or soon after, someone repaired it with cheesecloth, paper and glue, and later with adhesive tape.

The repair paper caught my eye. Once it was removed, I took a closer look. It was made of blank ballots!

Patch material from back of map.

Patch material from back of map.

The questions on the ballot identified it as the second page of the money ballot from May 15, 1929, which we have as part of the City of Vancouver Record of Elections.

Second page of money ballot from May 15, 1929. Reference code COV-S37-- .

Second page of money ballot from May 15, 1929. Reference code COV-S37– Container 87-G-1 vol. 2.

Today’s equivalent of the money ballot is the capital plan borrowing questions section of the modern ballot.

Since the original map was created by the Municipality of Point Grey, and the repair pages are 1929 City of Vancouver ballot papers,  it seems likely that the maps were received during the process of amalgamating Point Grey and Vancouver (along with South Vancouver) in 1929. The repair was probably made by someone in the City of Vancouver who needed to use the map. Amalgamation included coordinating the street grid and street naming.

The map was repaired and the torn end now looks like this:

Front of map after treatment, detail of one end.

Front of map after treatment, detail of one end.

Bad Children of History #16: The Recalcitrant Tomboy

I’ve been trudging my way through Kate Bolick’s Spinster: Making a Life of One’s Own, a book about which I can’t articulate anything positive or negative that hasn’t already been said more thoroughly and eloquently than one could manage in an introductory paragraph to a blog post. However, in light of discussions around the book, I’ve been thinking about girls and women who defy society’s rigid expectations, those truly wonderful spinsters of fiction and their tomboyish counterparts— including, of course, “Romping Polly”, the free-spirited star of this week’s Bad Children of History.

Romping Polly is another of the ill-fated children from the classic Struwwelpeter, a book last featured in our first-ever Bad Children of History post. The illustrations of Polly below are again taken from the 1890 English translation of the book, published in Philadelphia by Porter & Coates.


At the very beginning of “The Story of Romping Polly”, we see her receiving a stern warning about her inappropriately-feminine styles of play:

I know that you will often see
Rude boys push, drive, and hurry;
But little girls should never be
All in a heat and flurry.

Nodding her tomboy-ish head, Polly acknowledges her aunt’s lecture, and then promptly scurries down some sort of decorative border and leaps toward her jumping and running playmates. Looks like fun, right?


WRONG! There’s nothing fun about falling down such that your leg detaches like a lizard’s tail. (Mind you, the text simply says that “her poor leg was broken”, but the illustration leads me to believe that it was something infinitely more drastic.)

Polly is carried away on a makeshift stretcher, while her detached leg (or should I say “the limb all wet and gory”) is carried away by her tearful brother.


Let’s choose to ignore the butcher’s knives in the lower left of that illustration, shall we?

What happened to poor, rough-playing, enthusiastically-frolicking Polly? How did her life turn out, in the wake of her inattention to compulsory 19th century feminine behavior?


Full many a week, screwed up in bed,
She lingered sad and weary;
And went on crutches, it is said,
Ev’n to the grave so dreary.

Yep. Little ladies, don’t try to play with the boys, or else you may end up a hunched woman in an unflattering bonnet walking with crutches toward your own gravesite. You wouldn’t want that, would you?

Análisis de unos 1.500 cassettes de audio revelan detalles de la vida de Osama Bin Laden

Miles de cassettes revelan gustos y secretos íntimos de Osama Bin Laden

http://www.infobae.com/ 18/08/2015

Un especialista en cultura árabe analizó más de 1.500 cintas de audio confiscadas en Afganistán. Contienen desde las aficiones musicales del ex líder de Al Qaeda hasta planes terroristas contra los Estados Unidos

Nuevos documentos revelan curiosos detalles de la vida del ex líder de Al Qaeda Osama Bin Laden. Inspiración en Mahatma Gandhi y la música francesa son algunos de los desconocidos gustos que tenía el terrorista. Estos datos salieron a la luz a partir del análisis de unos 1.500 cassettes de audio que fueron recuperados en un campamento de Afganistán tras la invasión norteamericana en 2001.

Un camarógrafo de la cadena CNN se enteró de la existencia de esos documentos, que habían quedado en manos de una familia afgana, y convenció al dueño de la tienda para que entregara el material por su importante contenido.

Las cintas fueron entregadas finalmente a Flagg Miller, un experto en literatura y cultura árabe de la Universidad de California, quien se hizo cargo del análisis y revisión del material. Había sermones, canciones y conversaciones íntimas en las decenas de cassettes que reunían información desde 1960 hasta 2001.

La primera aparición de Bin Laden es en un audio de 1987 durante una grabación que trataba acerca de la batalla entre los muyahidines afganos árabes y los soviéticos, cuenta Miller en el libro The Audacious Ascetic, en el que vuelca toda la información que recogió en estos años de análisis de los valiosos documentos.

Flagg Miller con las tres cajas llenas de audios

Para esa época, el ex líder de Al Qaeda había decidido dejar los lujos de su casa en Arabia Saudita para unirse a la lucha contra los “invasores infieles de Afganistán”. “Bin Laden quería dar la imagen de un militante efectivo. Tarea nada sencilla, porque era conocido como un dandy que vestía botas de diseñadores”, cuenta Miller.

Otra particularidad que fue revelada a partir del análisis de los documentos fue el gusto musical de Bin Laden. El ex líder terrorista que fue abatido por las fuerzas norteamericanas en mayo de 2011 tenía un particular gusto por el cantante judío francés de origen argelino Enrico Macias, quien alcanzó un importante éxito mundial entre las décadas de los 60 y 70.

“Creo que esta colección de canciones francesas revela el grado en que los árabes-afganos en Kandahar hablaban muchos idiomas”, sostiene Miller en su libro. “Muchos de ellos habían vivido en Occidente durante largos períodos”, agrega.

Otra referencia inesperada en las decenas de cassettes es la del líder religioso hindú Mahatma Gandhi. En un discurso pronunciado en septiembre de 1993, Bin Laden resaltó la inspiración de Gandhi.

“Gran Bretaña se vio obligada a retirarse de una de sus colonias más grandes cuando Gandhi declaró un boicot contra sus bienes. Debemos hacer lo mismo con los Estados Unidos”, había manifestado en aquella oportunidad el líder talibán.

Si bien en los primeros audios no hay referencias específicas contra ataques a los Estados Unidos, después de su exilio en Sudán (entre 1991 y 1996) Bin Laden comenzó a emprender una fuerte campaña terrorista contra Norteamérica.

Pero recién en una de las últimas grabaciones se puede advertir una referencia sobre los atentados del 11 de septiembre de 2001 en Nueva York y Washington, consigna la BBC.

En una de ellas “él habla explícitamente de un plan –aunque no revela detalles– y de que en breve ‘escucharemos noticias'”, relata Miller.

“Y le pide a Dios que garantice el éxito de sus hermanos”, completa.

Introducing SNAC

When I first learned of the Social Networks and Archival Context (SNAC) Project, I knew that we had to be involved and assume some leadership. Why? Because the driving force of SNAC is collaboration within the archival and library communities to improve discovery and access to archival materials. I am a huge proponent for collaboration and access – these are the central concepts that we have been incorporating into our strategic direction at NARA.

SNAC homepage

The National Archives has been a key partner with the SNAC project. Early on, we recognized the benefits and opportunities of the Cooperative, both for NARA and the international archival community. We were proud to recently announce the launch of the Pilot Phase of the project.  The two-year pilot phase of the Cooperative is generously funded by a $1 million grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to the University of Virginia. We will work with our Cooperative partners, the University of Virginia, and the California Digital Library, as well as a cross-section of U.S. archives, libraries, and museums.  This phase of the Cooperative has both social and technological objectives. The social objectives include developing the administrative structure and developing a shared understanding and governance structure with the inaugural members for how we will set best practices for content input and maintenance, provide input into the development of the editing user interface, and maintain the description and access data.  The primary technological objective will be transforming the SNAC prototype research tool into a platform that will support ongoing building and maintenance of the SNAC description and access data.

One of the great strengths of SNAC is the way that biographical and historical data can be used to provide researchers with convenient, integrated access to historical collections held by archives and libraries all over the world. This linking of people, their relationships, and the records that document their lives and work provides powerful research avenues — and some unexpected surprises.   For example, take a look at the record for the great jazz musician, Lionel Hampton.

SNAC Lionel Hampton record

Under “Archival Collections” you’ll see a list of links to materials related to his work as a musician, as well as a link to the finding aid for the Lionel Hampton Papers held at the University of Idaho. And you’ll also find something about him that you may not expect, a link to the National Archives Catalog and the record for the collection of sound recordings of meetings and telephone conversations from the Nixon administration. From our Catalog, you can read the tape log for February 19, 1971, which records that Hampton met with Nixon at the White House and that they discussed Hampton’s upcoming tour of Eastern Europe, his band, and his support for the President.  The technology and data standards that SNAC uses allows this rich, unprecedented access not only across archival collections, but into the social and biographical context of the people documented in these materials.

So I invite you to explore the resources available in the SNAC Research Tool. Whether you browse one of the featured individuals or do a specific search, you will find connections and resources about historical figures you may never have known about.  You may find something really special, as I did when I found this record, which links to my little-known correspondence with several Presidents!

SNAC David Ferriero record

Encuentro Internacional de Investigación y Documentación de la Música y las Artes Escénicas

Se reunirán en Morelia expertos en patrimonio documental artístico
http://www.cambiodemichoacan.com.mx/ 18/08/2015

Morelia, Michoacán.- Con el propósito de dialogar y reflexionar sobre la historia y el estado actual de los archivos, fondos documentales y bibliotecas de música y artes escénicas en México se llevará a cabo en Morelia el Encuentro Internacional de Investigación y Documentación de la Música y las Artes Escénicas del 17 al 19 de septiembre de 2015. 

Organizado por el Conservatorio de las Rosas y por el Centro Nacional de Investigación, Documentación e Información Musical (Cenidim) del Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes (INBA), el encuentro tiene como premisa plantear distintas metodologías, estrategias y soluciones a fin de conservar, organizar, catalogar, digitalizar y difundir el patrimonio documental de las artes escénicas en México. 

En el marco de este eventos presentan cuatro proyectos internacionales dedicados a la documentación musical, uno de ellos Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM), una organización fundada en París en 1952, que desde entonces ha hecho acopio de acervo de todo el mundo; otro es Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM), cuyo centro ha reunido materiales de 151 países y en 215 idiomas, y uno más es la Association Répertoire Internationale d’Iconographie Musicale (RIdIM), que promueve la catalogación e investigación relacionada a la iconografía musical del mundo. 

Al encuentro asistirán especialistas en documentación musical y escénica, archivistas y conservadores, investigadores, documentalistas y bibliotecólogos de universidades, escuelas, institutos, centros, bibliotecas y archivos nacionales y estatales de México, quienes hablarán de los procesos técnicos para conservar, catalogar, organizar y digitalizar los archivos y fondos artísticos públicos o privados en distintos soportes de lo impreso a videos, audios, escenografías, instrumentos musicales, vestuarios, bases de datos o repositorios. 

Otro tema a tratar será la historia o la descripción, investigación y difusión de archivos, fondos y bibliotecas, públicos o privados, de música y artes escénicas abarcando ópera, teatro, artes visuales y danza, y se expondrán además estudios de caso relevantes sobre el rescate, la conservación e investigación de esos acervos. Todavía está abierta hasta el 24 de agosto la recepción de ponencias individuales y de paneles temáticos de un máximo de cuatro ponencias para este encuentro sobre el que puede solicitar información al correo encuentromorelia2015@conservatoriosdelasrosas.edu.mx.

La parte oscura de Internet

La Deep Web: los callejones de Internet

http://www.estrelladigital.es/ 18/08/2015

Con los navegadores comunes solamente se puede acceder al 5% de todo lo que hay en Internet. El 95% restante es la llamada web profunda o Deep Web, y en ella se pueden encontrar sicarios ofreciendo sus servicios, piratas informáticos que se ofrecen a hackear un ordenador, venta de drogas o estafas online

En Internet, solo el 5% de toda la información que hay se puede alcanzar con navegadores comunes.

Hace unos días era detenido un hacker en Madrid acusado de estafar más de un millón de euros. El joven había desarrollado él mismo una compleja aplicación informática que instalaba en cajeros, y con ella sustraía los números de cuenta y códigos PIN de las tarjetas de crédito. Posteriormente los vendía, y eran los compradores los que utilizaban estos datos para retirar dinero que no era suyo. Para ponerse en contacto con sus clientes, el hacker utilizaba la ‘Deep Web’ o ‘web profunda’, que son los callejones de Internet, donde se pueden hacer negocios ‘sucios’ sin ser descubierto.

Internet puede parecer inmenso, pero igual que cuando se mira a un iceberg, lo que se aprecia a simple vista es solamente una pequeña parte de lo que en realidad existe. Con los navegadores comunes como Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, etc., sólo se puede acceder al 5% de todos los archivos que hay en la red. El 95% restante está escondido, y es a lo que se llama ‘Deep web’ o ‘web profunda’.

La web profunda es un lugar en el que se puede encontrar de todo: venta de armas o de drogas, piratería, servicios de lavado de bitcoins e incluso es posible adquirir un órgano o encargar a un sicario un asesinato.

Para poder acceder a estos lugares escondidos de la red se necesita un navegador especial además de instalar un proxy. El navegador más utilizado es Tor (The Onion Router) que utiliza enlaces .onion.

La principal diferencia entre el Internet convencional y la Deep Web es que mientras que en el primero se pueden utilizar buscadores porque las páginas están indexadas, es decir, están todas ‘almacenadas’ de alguna manera y mediante un buscador como Google o Yahoo se puede acceder a ellas fácilmente, en la segunda se necesita conocer de antemano el enlace de la página, porque no están indexadas y es imposible acceder mediante un buscador.

Los links utilizados en la web profunda son de este tipo: http://pkbtxqrcg43jfnxe.onion/. Se utilizan códigos creados aleatoriamente sin ningún significado para que no haya ninguna manera de rastrear estos sitios web.

Para conocer estos links que le puedan permitir a una persona moverse por la deep web, existen varios sitios online donde se recopilan algunos. El más conocido es la ‘HiddenWiki’, la ‘Wikipedia escondida’ en castellano. Para entrar a esa página no se necesita nada especial, simplemente un navegador cualquiera, y teclear http://thehiddenwiki.org/ en su barra de direcciones. En este sitio web aparecen enlaces que pertenecen a blogs, foros, servicios de mensajería o lugares donde encontrar pornografía, todo ello en la Deep Web.

Los peligros de la Deep Web

La web profunda no es ilegal de por si, el problema es que muchos internautas aprovechan esta privacidad que les otorga que estos sitios web no sean de fácil acceso a todo el mundo para llevar a cabo actos ilegales.

Un ejemplo de ello son los hackers. Hacker4hire es una ’empresa’ dentro de la Deep Web donde se ofrecen servicios ilegales realizados por piratas informáticos. Para entrar en un ordenador personal piden 80 euros a cambio. Cincuenta euros es el precio para saber la contraseña de cualquier usuario de Facebook o Twitter, mientras que localizar a una persona o investigar a alguien cuesta 140 y 120 euros respectivamente.

En la Deep Web la moneda de cambio utilizada para comprar y vender servicios son los bitcoins. Otro lucrativo negocio es el blanqueo de dinero mediante esta moneda online. Traficantes o ladrones pueden cambiar su dinero negro por bitcoins para más tarde cambiarlo de nuevo a dinero de curso legal ya limpio.

Otro de las ilegalidades que se llevan a cabo en la web profunda es el comercio con pornografía infantil. Se conoce con las iniciales ‘CP’, de Children Pornography, y se calcula que el 83 % de estos archivos que rondan por Internet lo hacen por los recovecos de la Deep Web.

Pero igual que en el mundo real, el negocio que más dinero mueve en la deep web está claro: el tráfico de drogas.

El 2 de octubre de 2013 el FBI detenía a Ross William Ulbricht, fundador de Silk Road, un negocio que desde 2011 se dedicaba a vender drogas online. William fue condenado a cadena perpetua y Silk Road cerrado, pero el narcotráfico sigue activo hoy en día en la web profunda. El propio Silk Road, que se volvió a reabrir al poco tiempo después de la detención de su creador, y “PANDORA Open Market” son los sitios que concentran la mayoría de la actividad en la web profunda en cuanto a la venta de estupefacientes se refiere.

Doodle de Sociedad Geográfica Rusa se basa en archivos de fotos y dibujos en blanco y negro de la sociedad

Doodle y Google exploran la Sociedad Geográfica Rusa por sus 170 años

http://www.elpopular.pe/ 18/08/2015

El logotipo de Google, la empresa de internet más importante del mundo, recuerda este martes que hace 170 años nació la Sociedad Geográfica Rusa, la institución deexploradores y viajeros más antigua del planeta.

El doodle del megabuscador representó un collage de imágenes de dicha sociedad, cuya colección de imágenes es un tesoro único en el mundo.

MIRA MÁS: Este es el doodle por la llegada de News Horizons a Plutón

La Sociedad Geográfica de Rusia (1845) le debe su nacimiento al explorador Fyodor Litke, quien recorrió el planeta registrando lugares poco conocidos, como islas y tierras inhóspitas.

Tras ser aceptado como profesor de los hijos de zar Nicolás I, Litke se dedicó a la enseñanza de las ciencias naturales y a la pasión por los viajes.

Doodle de Google. 18 de agosto del 2015. Bocetos

La sociedad que fundó fue la primera en buscar la preservación de los parques nacionale de Rusia, así como proteger la flora y fauna rara. Dicha labor continúa hasta ahora.

Debido a su carácter científico y a su búsqueda por documentar diferentes puntos de la Tierra, la citada sociedad jugó un papel importante en el descubrimiento y la exploración de Siberia, el Lejano Oriente de Rusia, Asia Central y el océano Pacífico.


La ilustradora Lydia Nichols, creadora de este doodle, indicó que creó la animación de este día basándose en un conjunto de fotografías y dibujos de los archivos de la sociedad. Fotos y dibujos en blanco y negro de la península de Kola y paisajes contemporáneos le ofrecieron una inspiración inolvidable.

Archivos revelan esclavitud sexual de mujeres chinas en la II Guerra Mundial por autoridades japonesas

Archivos demuestran control directo de autoridad japonesa de esclavitud sexual durante guerra

http://spanish.peopledaily.com.cn/ 18/08/2015

BEIJING, 17 ago (Xinhua) — Documentos históricos revelan que las autoridades japonesas planearon y controlaron directamente un sistema para obligar a mujeres de China y de otros países a la esclavitud sexual durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

La Administración Estatal de Archivos (AEA) de China publicó una serie de documentos y otros materiales archivados emitidos por la autoridad títere de “Manchukuo” en el noreste de China y la autoridad títere de Wang Jingwei con centro en Nanjing durante el periodo de 1938 a 1945.

Los documentos más recientes incluyen permisos otorgados por el ejército japonés en Shanghai para establecer “estaciones de confort” en el área de Pudong de Shanghai.

Además, un informe del diario “Noticias de la Policía Superior” del regimiento de la VI gendarmería de la autoridad de “Manchukuo” de junio de 1944 registró una “tendencia evidente de matrimonios a corta edad en Corea debido al reclutamiento forzado de mujeres solteras como enfermeras y mujeres de confort”.

La publicación de hoy es el tercer episodio de una serie de ocho videos y archivos que documentan el sufrimiento de las esclavas sexuales a manos del ejército japonés hace 70 años. La serie de documentos está disponible en el sitio de internet de la AEA.

Además, un informe del diario “Noticias de la Policía Superior” del regimiento de la VI gendarmería de la autoridad de “Manchukuo” de junio de 1944 registró una “tendencia evidente de matrimonios a corta edad en Corea debido al reclutamiento forzado de mujeres solteras como enfermeras y mujeres de confort”.

La publicación de hoy es el tercer episodio de una serie de ocho videos y archivos que documentan el sufrimiento de las esclavas sexuales a manos del ejército japonés hace 70 años. La serie de documentos está disponible en el sitio de internet de la AEA.

Autor: Editor:Felipe Chen,Rocío Huang